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- Jun 5 2014, 6:17 AM (557 w, 5 d)
Oct 17 2021
his "feature" is I believe still needed. I am keeping this alive to help me remember the details and to flag it to others.
was this ever done?
I note that the package is now up to 9.mumble so this should either happen or not. (with the new version) I know several companies that use the script so it is important that the script be kept compatible.
May 1 2021
Dec 13 2020
Jan 9 2020
Jan 8 2020
yes, only ipv4 packets should be processed. what actually exploded?
Jan 5 2020
Jan 3 2020
change review outcome
OR do
if ((msg->header.typecookie == NGM_BRIDGE_GET_CONFIG )||
(msg->header.typecookie == NGM_BRIDGE_SET_CONFIG) || (msg->header.typecookie == NGM_BRIDGE_GET_TABLE) ) { ..... new code.... } else
... old code
one possible solution to stop the commands from being run a second time. replace 'break' with a goto.. OR poison message->cmd so it wont match next time?
Oct 10 2019
I wasn't saing you shoudl force yourself to do the test.. just whether it is theoretically possible,, anyhow I'm happy with the result. Don't let me stop you from committing it and I would say that the only case for keeping it in 13 is for the brief period while an upgrade is occurring. (for example I know people who have their interface connected into a bridge so that if the bridge wasn't configured correctly they'd be off the air.. It would basically be for compatibility up the 12 line rather than being needed in the 13 line.
That's why I added the cookies to the API.
Can you use both binaries? e.g. a script uses one and manually you use a newer one?
It should be backward compatible for 12 at least. Probably not needed for 13 but no harm in carrying it for one release.
Oct 7 2019
Jun 25 2019
Jun 15 2019
Oct 16 2018
experimenting with the pastbin.. ignore..
May 17 2018
I have a similar crash at $JOB. Occured during shutdown
May 15 2018
only one thought really.
May 9 2018
May 5 2018
docs needed
should probably be documented somewhere.
mabe add a cross ref (see also) in the rc and rcorder man pages and add sections to whatever man pages mention how to resume (or add one)
May 2 2018
Apr 18 2018
happy but not able to test right now..
Apr 4 2018
Can we make a list of other things that we'd need to change?
ABIs for Start
Mar 7 2018
Despite my grumpy responses (Get off my lawn!) I appreciate the comments.. At least you didn't say "What a stupid idea, who would want to do that?" Anyhow you've given me some things to think about which is the aim. right?
that's what we are doing (just adding the fields back locally..
The estimator is, unfortunately, a bit crude for public consumption, or I'd commit it.
I tried to read the introduction with a web browser (it's a .html) but it stuck it all together..
can you add some basic formatting?
Jan 25 2018
dammit we have a functional bandwidth estimator that used this field..
Jan 2 2018
is there a formatted version of this available somewhere so it can be read in final form?
Dec 5 2017
Nov 10 2017
Have applied this patch at $JOB now to stable/10
Oct 30 2017
what are the chances of this improvement making it into stable/10?
Oct 20 2017
really minor things only.. don't get discouraged..
Oct 5 2017
Sep 30 2017
Sep 15 2017
I've applied these changes to 10.3 and will give them a run..
Sep 14 2017
so there are bits of this missing if you are (like us) trying to make this work in stable/10 or stable/11 because Isilon have already aommitted parts of it..
like change 313475 for example..
I need to merge that into our 10 based code until I can use this..
Sep 12 2017
Aug 19 2017
Very glad to see this. at $JOB we create an appliance and we have ami, azure and vmware versions and I can predict that google-compute is on the Horizon (actually it's already prototyped).
so I'm sure I will get to know and love (?) this port .. :-)
Aug 16 2017
so, like is this getting committed some time?
May 4 2017
DOn't see issues in this code but see other comment
Apr 6 2017
looks ok.
Who;s going to commit?
any doc change required?
Mar 16 2017
note that this was committed
Mar 10 2017
just an idea for sometime
we are going to run out of available tricks for this in ipfw at some stage.. Can we re-use () like used in table? or make the : part of the keep-state.. so that "keep_state: state1" or keep_state(state1) vs "keep_state :state1"
just my $0.02
will work on this this a bit more this weekend
Mar 7 2017
p.s. I'm still considering line 266/267 in ln.c which came with the original patch, but I have not totally understood yet..
Bapt has convinced me to add these functions to libutil instead of keeping them in libpathconv as they originally came.
The Pathconvert package has been incorporated over the years into many projects.
The simplest way to see how to use this is to imagine how difficult it can be sometimes to generate relative symlinks when installing packages or generated binaries when the source and destination are not fixed relative to each other but expressed as two absolute paths. This becomes trivial by adding the -r option and specifying the available absolute paths. I originally started checking this in as libpathconv, before Bapt got to m. I will remove that at the same time I add this.
Feb 9 2017
I think that "collision" is ok.
so what change did pkelsey request? I can't see any request to change anything.
who is this mysterious group reviewer "transport"? And where is their negative review? I only see gnn's
my only comment is that I ask you to just confirm that a listening socket can not collide with the socket we are allocating.
i don't think it does, but I may have missed something
As long as features are DISABLED and not removed (e.g. at $JOB we need MD2) then ok.
I think we should make two versions of this port: openssl and openssl-insecure, which has features like sslv2 and MD2 enabled for people who need that functionality. (e.g. for talking to old machines or handling old certificates etc.)
maybe with a different .so number. (just an idea).
Jan 27 2017
Jan 22 2017
as far as I can see it looks good. Same default value as before..
Considering how much work went into writing this and the fact that we had to get it approved by verizon (or whatever they were called at the time) its amazing that I remember almost nothing about how it works.
Jan 20 2017
we should probably skip ports that have a listenig socket on them.. do we?
Jan 19 2017
looks good to me. Hit this in 10.3
Jan 4 2017
this is obviously part of a bigger change, so I can't comment on that part but the part about the EXTRA_PATCH_TREE looks like it should work.
I don't see why one would have a compressed patch file but handling it shouldn't hurt. (except by hiding bugs through added complexity.)