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[ipfw] Migrate ipfw to 32-bit size rule numbers
Needs ReviewPublic

Authored by ae on Jul 30 2024, 8:42 AM.
Referenced Files
F111417523: D46183.diff
Mon, Mar 3, 12:36 PM
Unknown Object (File)
Wed, Feb 26, 1:58 AM
Unknown Object (File)
Sat, Feb 15, 12:15 PM
Unknown Object (File)
Sun, Feb 9, 6:39 AM
Unknown Object (File)
Sat, Feb 8, 2:45 AM
Unknown Object (File)
Tue, Feb 4, 4:19 AM
Unknown Object (File)
Jan 29 2025, 12:47 PM
Unknown Object (File)
Jan 2 2025, 3:50 AM


Group Reviewers
o Convert rule numbers and named object indexes to 32-bit
o Convert O_SKIPTO and O_CALL opcodes to use 32-bit rulenum.
o Convert O_CALL's stack and skipto code to handle 32-bit rulenums.
o Add ability to grow maximum number of rules up to IPFW_DEFAULT_RULE.
o Bump default sockopt's version from 0 to 1.
o Convert dynamic states code to use 32-bit rulenums.
o Convert eaction code to use 32-bit types.
o Convert all eaction modules to use 32-bit types.
o Modify ipfw_dyn_rule type and remove all legacy fields.
o Retire FreeBSD 7-11 rule format support.
o Implement "lookup rulenum" opcode.
o Implement table value matching for specific value type in `table(name,valtype=value)' opcode
o Add ability to specify return point from O_CALLRETURN opcode.
o Add "lookup", "tagged" keywords to list of reserverd words to avoid name to port resolving.
o Add ability to generate rtsock messages with log rules
o Add ability to log to specified dst: syslog, rtsock, ipfw0
o Add insntod() and insntoc() macros
o Add ability to keep NAT64LSN states during sets swapping
o Fix several races in NAT64LSN
o Add IP_FW_SKIPTO_CACHE sockopt to enable/disable skipto cache

Diff Detail

rG FreeBSD src repository
Lint Passed
No Test Coverage
Build Status
Buildable 58888
Build 55775: arc lint + arc unit

Event Timeline

ae held this revision as a draft.
ae published this revision for review.Jul 30 2024, 9:06 AM
ae edited the summary of this revision. (Show Details)
ae added a reviewer: glebius.
  • Document some features, also reduce the diff.
  • Document some features, also reduce the diff.
  • Fix bug in mac:radix table: lookup addr doesn't work due to wrong args order in memcpy
  • Rebase
  • Document some features, also reduce the diff.
  • Fix skipto/call arguments parsing.
  • Fix mismerged reass/return opcodes
  • Fix ipfw32 opcode version for NAT44 opcodes.
  • ipfw: rework call action to drop packets on errors

I'm not really qualified to give a firm "yes!" on this, but I'd just like to pipe in and say thanks for doing this, this is awesome and sorely needed. :-)

  • Add example of comapt layer.