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Oct 6 2024
Oct 5 2024
May 11 2024
May 10 2024
In D45071#1029790, @vvd wrote:libabsl*.so:devel/abseil from libprotobuf-lite.so:devel/protobuf from option CHROMECAST.
libsrt.so:www/srt and libaribb24.so:multimedia/aribb24: --disable-srt --disable-aribsub --disable-aribb25.
libabsl*.so:devel/abseil from libprotobuf-lite.so:devel/protobuf from option CHROMECAST.
Or we can patch modules/access/rdp.c:
diff -ur multimedia/vlc/files/patch-modules_access_rdp.c.orig multimedia/vlc/files/patch-modules_access_rdp.c --- multimedia/vlc/files/patch-modules_access_rdp.c.orig +++ multimedia/vlc/files/patch-modules_access_rdp.c @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ ---- modules/access/rdp.c.orig 2016-07-22 12:10:45 UTC +--- modules/access/rdp.c.orig 2023-02-11 09:33:17 UTC +++ modules/access/rdp.c @@ -45,18 +45,6 @@ # include <freerdp/version.h> @@ -19,7 +19,13 @@ #include <errno.h> #ifdef HAVE_POLL # include <poll.h> -@@ -140,6 +128,7 @@ static void desktopResizeHandler( rdpCon +@@ -139,11 +127,12 @@ typedef struct vlcrdp_context_t vlcrdp_context_t; + + /* updates handlers */ + +-static void desktopResizeHandler( rdpContext *p_context ) ++static int desktopResizeHandler( rdpContext *p_context ) + { vlcrdp_context_t * p_vlccontext = (vlcrdp_context_t *) p_context; demux_sys_t *p_sys = p_vlccontext->p_demux->p_sys; rdpGdi *p_gdi = p_context->gdi; @@ -27,7 +33,7 @@
May 3 2024
Apr 24 2024
Upstream committed our patches to 3.5.1 branch - replaced audio/audacity/files/patch-* with patch from this commit.
Apr 23 2024
Removed unused LIB_DEPENDS:
Warning: you might not need LIB_DEPENDS on libasound.so Warning: you might not need LIB_DEPENDS on libcurl.so Warning: you might not need LIB_DEPENDS on libopenjp2.so Warning: you might not need LIB_DEPENDS on libpng.so Warning: you might not need LIB_DEPENDS on libturbojpeg.so
And pet portclippy.
The change looks fine but remember that maintainer timeouts don't work on Phab. You need to create a bugzilla PR for this.
Apr 22 2024
Mar 26 2024
D43545 takes care of this change. Should we close this?
Feb 12 2024
Jan 30 2024
In D41942#995265, @meka_tilda.center wrote:Interesting. I just tested, and if I boot my machine while interface is on, kld_list and buffer_ms together do the trick. I mean, jack_iodelay reports exactly same latency as if I loaded the module, set buffer_ms and then turned on the interface. Maybe my interface is slow to respond initially, so sysctl has time to kick in?
Jan 29 2024
In D41942#995271, @christos wrote:In D41942#995078, @dev_submerge.ch wrote:I will commit it.
@meka_tilda.center Sorry about the extra work, I somehow thought you would know that. The handling of buffer_ms didn't change in this regard. My approach was to communicate it simply as a /boot/loader.conf tunable. IMHO that's more digestible by end users, less error prone. Tell them to (re-)attach the device only after buffer_ms is set would probably also work. But kld_list+=snd_uaudio and /etc/sysctl.conf come too late, due to snd_uaudio being automatically loaded early in the boot process. You'd have to explicitly kldunload snd_uaudio at that point to make the devices reattach.
I agree with @meka_tilda.center on this. We should have a man page entry for this as it's not really obvious.
In D41942#995078, @dev_submerge.ch wrote:
Interesting. I just tested, and if I boot my machine while interface is on, kld_list and buffer_ms together do the trick. I mean, jack_iodelay reports exactly same latency as if I loaded the module, set buffer_ms and then turned on the interface. Maybe my interface is slow to respond initially, so sysctl has time to kick in? Anyway, if I were to do it differently, what should I do? Load module and set buffer_ms in loader.conf?
Jan 28 2024
That's a great improvement. LGTM.
A misunderstanding. I though you wanted me to make sure there are no reconnects. Anyway, loading the driver first, then setting buffer_ms and then turning on the interface yields the following results
period = 192 buffer_ms = 1 690.921 frames 14.394 ms total roundtrip latency extra loopback latency: 306 frames use 153 for the backend arguments -I and -O
Now this is a great improvement! Can we document it somewhere? Suggesting, for example, to put kld_list+=snd_uaudio and then set buffer_ms as any other sysctl? In my oppinion, if we spent so much time figuring out how to properly do the measurement, I'm sure other people will need help with their setup, too, so why not make it easier for them and put this into snd_uaudio(4).
Jan 27 2024
In D41942#994910, @meka_tilda.center wrote:I didn't answer about re-plugging. No, the interface is always connected and I don't touch the cables.
I didn't answer about re-plugging. No, the interface is always connected and I don't touch the cables.
I see what you mean. I tested with buffer_ms of 1 and 8 and I get almost exact numbers:
period = 192
Jan 22 2024
Meka, according to USB descriptor your audio interface is fine with 1ms intervals (bInterval = 0x0004). So that's not the problem. And the latency doesn't even change without this patch, we know that worked before. Did you replug the device after you changed the buffer_ms sysctl? New buffer_ms values may not become effective immediately, depending on your settings.
If you want to test it - get current patch.
If you want to see diff with old murmur - check history patch here: https://reviews.freebsd.org/D41048?id=133095
Trying to update diff using arcanist.
Main branch ----------- hw.usb.uaudio.buffer_ms = 8 period = 768 2563.934 frames 53.415 ms total roundtrip latency extra loopback latency: 1027 frames use 513 for the backend arguments -I and -O
Jan 21 2024
Thanks for all the measurements, Meka! It seems like the buffer_ms sysctl doesn't have any effect at all. I suspect your audio interface to demand a longer interval in its USB descriptor. Could you
I missed 4ms request from you, so here are those measurements
Main branch ----------- hw.usb.uaudio.buffer_ms = 4 period = 768 3337.952 frames 69.541 ms total roundtrip latency extra loopback latency: 1033 frames use 516 for the backend arguments -I and -O
Thank you for the explanation. I took the measurement and I tried to get the lowest latency without jitters, so here is the complete measurement.
Main branch ----------- hw.usb.uaudio.buffer_ms = 2
Jan 20 2024
Patch against current audio/murmur.
Hi Meka, sorry to hear, hope you are well now.
Your measurements seem to be accurate. Unfortunately they do not match my expectations, as I would have estimated more like a ~12ms reduction in this scenario.
I'll try to verify my own tests, but could you measure the new default of buffer_ms=4 in your setup? And a period of 768 in addition to 512 and 1024? Thanks!
I may have to check with the version of Jack in ports, I did my measurements with the new sosso backend which does mmap io.
Jan 19 2024
Sorry for the delay, I got sick (again). Anyway, it took me a while to figure out what's going on. As I didn't have speakers on, I didn't notice there are jitters, that's why the numbers don't match. I took similar measurements with higher period size in jack and these are the results
Main branch ----------- hw.usb.uaudio.buffer_ms = 2
Clarified buffer_ms sysctl description as suggested by @emaste.
Jan 18 2024
@meka_tilda.center Any comment on your test results?
Introduced UAUDIO_BUFFER_MS_MIN and UAUDIO_BUFFER_MS_MAX as constants.
Intentionally left the comments that mention 8 ms max buffer length. It
gives some understandable context and that value will probably never change
as long as current USB audio standards are supported.
I check - update from 1.3.3 to 1.3.4 is trivial. Can I update it and take maintainership without review?
Also it need LIB_DEPENDS=devel/abseil - tested in poudriere.
Added UIDs, GIDs and UPDATING.
In D41048#990567, @arrowd wrote:In D41048#990566, @vvd wrote:As an option, create a new port with new UID/GID, and specify DEPRECATED in the old one and for some time there will be 2 ports at the same time. And then delete the old one with an entry in UPDATINGS describing the migration process.
I actually like this plan, even without deprecating. Just leave it as it is, use new UID/GID and free old UID/GID. In the pkg-message change step 5 from pw usermod to chown -R.
Jan 17 2024
Jan 15 2024
In D41048#990566, @vvd wrote:As an option, create a new port with new UID/GID, and specify DEPRECATED in the old one and for some time there will be 2 ports at the same time. And then delete the old one with an entry in UPDATINGS describing the migration process.
As an option, create a new port with new UID/GID, and specify DEPRECATED in the old one and for some time there will be 2 ports at the same time. And then delete the old one with an entry in UPDATINGS describing the migration process.
Jan 12 2024
I don't know if this is what you asked for...
Patch from git format-patch -1.
Not so obvious - diff look like "rm file && create file"…
Dec 30 2023
Thanks for testing, Meka! Could you elaborate on how you did the latency measurements?
Because jack_iodelay reports a decrease of only ~2ms in total roundtrip latency, whereas the extra loopback latency decreases by ~300 frames (~6ms at 48kHz). Any other changes in the setup or Jack settings?
I ran jack_iodelay with same buffer_ms value and these are the results:
Florian's patch is superior to this one, hence closing.
Dec 27 2023
Dec 26 2023
I finally found the time to test this patch. I'm running CURRENT and I only have Behringer XR18 at my disposal. First test I ran was lowering the buffer_ms to 1 and just playing audio for few hours. I didn't tweak virtual_oss parameters or anything, and audacious was using virtual_oss. Not a single jitter, glitch or xrun in those few hours, no audible defects of any kind. In the following days I intend to test the latency with jack_iodelay.
Dec 25 2023
This change looks very useful, thanks for figuring this out!
Dec 20 2023
Dec 19 2023
Nov 24 2023
Ping! Also, patch briefly tested on 15.0-CURRENT as of today. No regressions, works as expected.
Sep 23 2023
@mav I hope it's ok to add you as a reviewer / committer here? Or should I ask someone else instead?
Sep 22 2023
FYI, my patch is here D41942: snd_uaudio(4): Adapt buffer length to buffer_ms tunable. for review. I'll add more info this weekend.
Sep 19 2023
I don't know how to do this correct in one patch: 1) rename port, 2) update to new version.
Sep 18 2023
In D41048#955081, @arrowd wrote:There is something strange going on with this diff. When trying to apply it via arc patch D41048 I do get the audio/mumble-server port, but it contains PORTNAME=murmur and PORTVERSION=1.3.3. Maybe this is because the patch doesn't apply.
@vvd can you please refresh it?
I don't know how to do this correct in one patch: 1) rename port, 2) update to new version.
So patch can look weird and possible not all tools can work correctly with it. This part:
There is something strange going on with this diff. When trying to apply it via arc patch D41048 I do get the audio/mumble-server port, but it contains PORTNAME=murmur and PORTVERSION=1.3.3. Maybe this is because the patch doesn't apply.
Sep 17 2023
ping :-(
Sep 12 2023
In D41627#953185, @dev_submerge.ch wrote:The patch I'm working on also does the latter. With a reduced buffer size, I'm confident that we can have less latency at a 4ms interval than currently at 2ms. I think that would make 4ms an acceptable default for everybody.
Update: Looks like the current snd_uaudio implementation actually does transfers according to USB standard, it spreads the isochronous frames over the whole transfer interval. I was misled by parts of the code, and the fact that usbdump(8) only shows the first millisecond of longer transfers. Sorry for the noise.
Sep 4 2023
I didn't promise it to be easy, but I think USB transfer size should be as close to sound(4) fragment size, if it can't be equal, as for other sound cards.
I didn't promise it to be easy, but I think USB transfer size should be as close to sound(4) fragment size, if it can't be equal, as for other sound cards.
Sep 3 2023
Well, these are three different topics then:
As I can see, uaudio_buffer_ms is primarily used to set intr_frames variable. I haven't dug deep, but looks like it controls the size of individual USB transfer, which I suppose affects USB controller interrupt rate, or at very least the rate of its DMA transfers. Frequent DMA transfers may prevent deep sleeps on CPU package-level. Frequent interrupts in addition wake up at least one CPU core. It all burns a lot of power, that may be critical for laptops and embedded systems, while not every application require so low latency. I generally don't like tunables, and I would be happy to remove this one, but I don't like the idea of getting 1KHz of USB interrupts for every sound application. Sound subsystem already has its own concept of buffer sizes and latency control. Can't those values be reused here without additional knobs to only have level of overhead required by specific application?
After some thought I have a different proposal:
Sep 2 2023
Sep 1 2023
Chiming in here as I have some experience with the snd_uaudio module and its code. I do support this change, but I think the title is a bit misleading.
Aug 31 2023
In D41627#949637, @mav wrote:I am sorry, but once again: in this patch you change allowed minimum, but do not change the default on line 99, right?
I guess heat got to my head :) Thank you, good catch! Update is coming.
In D41627#949513, @meka_tilda.center wrote:In D41627#949189, @mav wrote:After your initial commit Hans reduced the default value from 8ms to the minimum of 2ms. I wonder if it is still OK or you'd like to reduce default also.
If you look at the commit linked in description you'll see that that's the commit that made it possible to go to 2ms. Hans asked me what works for me and back then 2ms really worked well. That being said, I'm literally fixing my error from few years ago.
In D41627#949189, @mav wrote:After your initial commit Hans reduced the default value from 8ms to the minimum of 2ms. I wonder if it is still OK or you'd like to reduce default also.
As a disclaimer, I know very little to nothing about USB.
After your initial commit Hans reduced the default value from 8ms to the minimum of 2ms. I wonder if it is still OK or you'd like to reduce default also.
Aug 29 2023
Aug 28 2023
This looks good to me.
Replaced shebang with statically patch.