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git: Use dashes rather than spaces in trailers

Authored by emaste on May 9 2023, 5:37 PM.
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Nov 6 2024, 8:49 PM


In the broader development community commit message trailers typically
use dashes.  Follow suit for better integration with other tooling.

Phabricator requires a space in "Differential Revision" so leave it
as is for now.

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Now all we need is commit hooks...

This revision is now accepted and ready to land.May 9 2023, 5:44 PM

steps need to include (at least)

For PR: as it's not changed so I think there is no affect for the hooks for notifying Bugzilla and mailing lists (dev-commits-*). But for MFC-after I suggest let's check if and can handle it.

Oh, "Approved-by" needs pre-commit hook change.

@kevans has a pull request open to add - support to the MFC notification service

mfctracker already matches dashes re.match('^\s*mfc(-|\s+)after\s*:', line, flags=re.IGNORECASE)

yeah, I did both of those at the same time... a bit unusual that @sobomax never picked that one up, actually

Oh, "Approved-by" needs pre-commit hook change.

This has been updated and deployed.

While I prefer the tab alignment, the style in the broader community that uses dashes is to not do the tabs either, and in particular that would be compatible with using git commit --trailer

In D40025#911589, @jhb wrote:

While I prefer the tab alignment, the style in the broader community that uses dashes is to not do the tabs either, and in particular that would be compatible with using git commit --trailer

I concur... having written tools that tried to align things, it's a bit of a pain to do once, but adds an ongoing burden for each new tool created. The --trailer functionality makes it so much easier to do since it gets a lot of edge cases right for free that are likewise an ongoing tax.

I've checked the FreshPorts code. For the CVS commits, these were parsed. Interesting... because:

[0:58 dev-ingress01 dan ~/scripts] % egrep -r 'Reported by|Reviewed by|Tested by|Approved by|Obtained from|MFC after|Sponsored by|Pull Request' ~/scripts ~/modules
/usr/home/dan/modules/		if ($line =~ /^  Obtained from:/i) {
/usr/home/dan/modules/		if ($line =~ /^  Approved by:/i) {
/usr/home/dan/modules/		if ($line =~ /^  Reviewed by:/i) {
/usr/home/dan/modules/		if ($line =~ /^  Obtained from:/i) {
/usr/home/dan/modules/		if ($line =~ /^  Approved by:/i) {
/usr/home/dan/modules/		if ($line =~ /^  Reviewed by:/i) {

... I can't find any proof that it did anything with it. :) But I've stopped looking.

Also my comments about commi hooks would be to deny the old forms on main

jrm added inline comments.

Do we want to match the format in the comment?

For the other fields with a dash, we use Uppercase-lowercase, so should we use Pull-request:? Did we keep the space in Differential Revision: intentionally instead of using Differential-revision:?


Yes this should be Pull-Request (or pull-request). Also Differential-Revision but we'll need to update Phabricator to search for that as well.


Do we have docs for this one?

Make case consistent and add - in all uses of Pull-request

This revision now requires review to proceed.May 10 2023, 12:23 PM

Also my comments about commi hooks would be to deny the old forms on main


@kevans has a pull request open to add - support to the MFC notification service

Thanks, merged in.


mfctracker already matches dashes re.match('^\s*mfc(-|\s+)after\s*:', line, flags=re.IGNORECASE)

yeah, I did both of those at the same time... a bit unusual that @sobomax never picked that one up, actually

Sorry got bit busy with work here lately...

This revision is now accepted and ready to land.May 10 2023, 7:56 PM

Where horizontal tabs are used, is this essential? Use of simple spaces, in lieu of tabs, will allow neatness (no raggedness).


Without the additional horizontal tab for this line: when all lines are used, there's raggedness as shown below.

PR:             <If and which Problem Report is related.>
Reported-by:    <If someone else reported the issue.>
Reviewed-by:    <If someone else reviewed your modification.>
Tested-by:      <If someone else tested the change.>
Approved-by:    <If you needed approval for this commit.>
Obtained-from:  <If the change is from a third party.>    
Fixes:  <Short hash and title line of commit fixed by this change>
MFC-after:      <N [day[s]|week[s]|month[s]].  Request a reminder email>
Relnotes:       <Set to 'yes' for mention in release notes.>
Security:       <Vulnerability reference (one per line) or description.>
Sponsored-by:   <If the change was sponsored by an organization.>
Pull-request:   <<repo>/pull/###>
Differential Revision:  <>

For consistency, add a full stop.


For consistency, a full stop.


Lowercase r for request, so consider lowercase r for revision.

Observe the 72-column maximum for commentary. Not strictly necessary, but it can help.


The phrase someone else is used three times above, we can use the same phrase here.


Differential Revision: is what Phabricator wants to see. We can see about updating Phabricator to be more permissive.



For what it's worth, I have written Differential revision: (lowercase r) for as long as I can remember.

As far as I can tell, lowercase r is good for (at least) closure purposes., for example.

In addition to the trailers above:

  • is Closes: effective, for pull requests?

In addition to the trailers above:

  • is Closes: effective, for pull requests?

Not in my experiments. Try it on the doc repo, but on a pull request I created on a fork, it didn't automatically close...

In D40025#934481, @imp wrote:

… Try it on the doc repo, …


image.png (227×914 px, 41 KB)

I imagine Pull-request: being superfluous to Closes:, however people might be disconcerted by an absence of Pull-request: (or Pull Request: or Pull request:) during a transition period.

But does it have the full url? We commit pull requests from many places and with out that 245 is meaningless. Also, many pull requests have several parts that aren't merged before landing (because they shouldn't be). I'm skeptical

In D40025#934585, @imp wrote:

But does it have the full url? …

Maybe crossed paths with the 16:56 (?) edition of my previous comment, where I added a Codeberg view of the commit to show the full URL ☑

@salvadore in partial reply to your email (thanks), the successful test related to my curiosity at above.

Also for what it's worth, I have not encountered any failure with use of:

Also for what it's worth, I have not encountered any failure with use of:


  • hyphenated
  • lowercase r

Is the claim that Phabricator will detect & close a review with Differential-revision:? Do you have a link to an example of such a commit?

Is the claim that Phabricator will detect & close a review with Differential-revision:? …

My mistake.

As far as I can tell:

  • Differential revision: (lowercase r) results in automated closure
  • Differential-revision: (hyphenated) does not. is an example of a mention, but I guess that the commit hash was recognised.

Knowing that Closes: is effective for pull requests in e.g. the area (see, for example, …

… can Closes: be equally effective – the automation – where the requirement is specifically to not use a freebsd area for a FreeBSD-specific PR?