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iflib: Fix compiler warnings

Authored by stevek on Apr 3 2024, 8:23 PM.
Referenced Files
Unknown Object (File)
Mon, Mar 17, 2:44 PM
Unknown Object (File)
Wed, Feb 19, 9:32 PM
Unknown Object (File)
Wed, Feb 19, 9:26 PM
Unknown Object (File)
Wed, Feb 19, 6:58 AM
Unknown Object (File)
Feb 16 2025, 1:17 AM
Unknown Object (File)
Feb 12 2025, 4:34 PM
Unknown Object (File)
Jan 12 2025, 11:18 PM
Unknown Object (File)
Jan 10 2025, 12:03 AM



Some of the QUAD sysctls are actually for unsigned quad values.
Switch to using UQUAD instead, as that is meant for unsigned.

Obtained from: Juniper Networks, Inc.

Diff Detail

rG FreeBSD src repository
Lint Not Applicable
Tests Not Applicable

Event Timeline

stevek requested review of this revision.Apr 3 2024, 8:23 PM added inline comments.

Should the wrapped lines be indented one more char to maintain alignment?

LGTM. If the file was using normal style it wouldn't need the indentation fixup (which will add a lot of noise). I would maybe suggest instead to fix the indentation to not be unusual in lieu of the one char fixup.

This revision is now accepted and ready to land.Apr 12 2024, 8:07 PM
In D44620#1020403, @jhb wrote:

LGTM. If the file was using normal style it wouldn't need the indentation fixup (which will add a lot of noise). I would maybe suggest instead to fix the indentation to not be unusual in lieu of the one char fixup.

What about committing this change as-is and then doing a follow-up to correct the style as a separate review?

In D44620#1020403, @jhb wrote:

LGTM. If the file was using normal style it wouldn't need the indentation fixup (which will add a lot of noise). I would maybe suggest instead to fix the indentation to not be unusual in lieu of the one char fixup.

What about committing this change as-is and then doing a follow-up to correct the style as a separate review?

Yes, that's fine with me.

This revision was automatically updated to reflect the committed changes.