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bhyve: return FEATURE_NOT_CHANGEABLE for unimplemented feature of NVMe controller

Authored by on Nov 2 2021, 1:33 PM.
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Thu, Feb 27, 6:17 AM
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Sat, Feb 8, 8:21 PM
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Sat, Feb 8, 8:06 PM
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Fri, Feb 7, 12:06 AM
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Jan 27 2025, 4:35 PM
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Jan 24 2025, 7:26 PM
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Jan 21 2025, 1:14 AM



Set Feature is a feature specified function.
Currently only some features have the set procedure.
for features that are not handled by the controller, we should return a FEATURE_NOT_CHANGEABLE error message.

Test Plan

Fire a un-handle set feature command to check the response.
it should return a
NVMe status: FEATURE_NOT_CHANGEABLE: The Feature Identifier is not able to be changed(0x10e)
error message within Linux guest.

Diff Detail

rG FreeBSD src repository
Lint Not Applicable
Tests Not Applicable

Event Timeline


Doesn't the removal of this break the NVMe requirement that values given in Set Features should be returned in CDW0 of Get Features?


You are right. I will keep the change to as small as needed. edited the test plan for this revision. (Show Details)
This revision is now accepted and ready to land.Nov 9 2022, 12:23 PM
chuck requested changes to this revision.Nov 9 2022, 4:15 PM
chuck added inline comments.

This behavior is not spec compliant. Please review section 5.27.1

This revision now requires changes to proceed.Nov 9 2022, 4:15 PM added inline comments.

Yes, you are correct.
I read section 5.21.1 (not 5.27.1, right?)

If the controller does not support a changeable value for a Feature (e.g., the Feature is not changeable),
and a Set Features command for that Feature is processed, then if that command specifies a Feature value
• is not the same as the existing value for that Feature, then the controller shall abort that command
with a status code of Feature Not Changeable; and
• is the same as the existing value for that Feature, then the controller may:
o complete that command successfully; or
o abort that command with a status code of Feature Not Changeable

I am abandoning this patch.


Hmm, sry don't get it. How I understand the spec: If we there's no feat->set, we do not support a changable value for the feature. So, we should abort the command and return Feature Not Changable.


At first, I understood what you just said. after reading the spec again. I found it means: If the user provides a value that is different to the existing value, and the controller does not support change , it should return Feature Not Changeable.
If a feature does not implement feat->set, I think we should return another error message instead of Feature Not Changeable.


If the user isn't permitted to change the value, you can always return Feature Not Changable. There's a special case: If the value is the same as the existing one, the controller is allowed to succeed but it doesn't have to.
Maybe @chuck could specify in more details why this isn't spec compliant.

Btw: I've checked qemu. It has the same behaviour. If qemu has no feat->set it returns Feature Not Changable:


Yes, you are correct.
I read section 5.21.1 (not 5.27.1, right?)

Apologies, it is section 5.27.1 in the 2.0 spec, but yes, you found the correct section for the 1.4 spec.


The specification has a "shall" that makes this non-compliant (emphasis mine):

If the controller does not support a changeable value for a Feature (e.g., the Feature is not changeable),
and a Set Features command for that Feature is processed, then if that command specifies a Feature value

  • is not the same as the existing value for that Feature, then the controller shall abort that command with a status code of Feature Not Changeable; and

The code would also need to check the supplied vs. existing value to be correct.


Read the next statement:

  • is the same as the existing value for that Feature, then the controller may:
    • complete that command successfully; or
    • abort that command with a status code of Feature Not Changeable

So, always returning Feature Not Changable should be compliant.

I see what you are saying. Unfortunately, I can't figure out how to remove the "revisions requested" status.

All right, I think for unimplemented features, always return FEATURE NOT CHANGEABLE is compliant to the spec. and for implemented features, it is up to the I am reclaiming this patch. thanks.

This revision now requires changes to proceed.Nov 10 2022, 9:53 PM
This revision was not accepted when it landed; it landed in state Needs Review.Nov 15 2022, 7:26 AM
This revision was automatically updated to reflect the committed changes.