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Fix if_ntb interface setup to include IFF_MULTICAST. This allows IPv6 link local addresses (and other IPv6 functionality) to work.

Authored by dab on Jun 17 2016, 7:45 PM.
Referenced Files
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Jan 29 2025, 7:27 PM
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Jan 18 2025, 4:20 AM
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Jan 15 2025, 8:28 PM
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Jan 11 2025, 9:01 AM
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Dec 5 2024, 4:32 AM
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Nov 28 2024, 11:15 PM



See PR 210355

Credit for patch goes to Steve Wahl, Dell Compellent.

Test Plan

Tested locally at Dell Compellent. Before the change no link local address was configured on the interface and after manually configuring an IPv6 address on the interface ping6 failed. After this change, a link local address was configured and ping6 succeeded.

Diff Detail

rS FreeBSD src repository - subversion
Lint Not Applicable
Tests Not Applicable

Event Timeline

dab retitled this revision from to Fix if_ntb interface setup to include IFF_MULTICAST. This allows IPv6 link local addresses (and other IPv6 functionality) to work..
dab updated this object.
dab edited the test plan for this revision. (Show Details)
dab added a reviewer: vangyzen.
dab edited edge metadata.

FYI, mav@ is also a good person for if_ntb/ntb_hw reviews.

cem edited edge metadata.
This revision is now accepted and ready to land.Jun 17 2016, 7:48 PM
vangyzen edited edge metadata.

Conrad: Can you test this with an Intel NTB, just to make sure nothing blows up? We can only test with non-Intel hardware and an in-house driver.

dab removed a reviewer: mav.

Conrad: Can you test this with an Intel NTB, just to make sure nothing blows up? We can only test with non-Intel hardware and an in-house driver.

I don't have a test rig set up where loading if_ntb is easy (we're just using ntb_hw, not if_ntb, and our module on top of ntb_hw conflicts with if_ntb). And I'm offline through Sunday. Mav may be able to test sooner.

David, did you remove mav@ on accident?

In D6885#144452, @cem wrote:

David, did you remove mav@ on accident?

I must have. I was updating to document what I did to test. Perhaps I overwrote your revised reviewer list at the same time?

Sorry about that.

mav edited edge metadata.

I've reproduced David's IPv6 experiment on Intel Xeon v4 hardware. Patch indeed fixes the issue.

This revision was automatically updated to reflect the committed changes.