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ctld: Add support for NVMe over Fabrics
Needs ReviewPublic

Authored by jhb on Jan 31 2025, 8:16 PM.
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While the overall structure is similar for NVMeoF controllers and
iSCSI targets, there are a sufficient differences that NVMe support
uses alternate configuration syntax.

  • In authentication groups, permitted NVMeoF hosts can be allowed by names (NQNs) via "host-nqn" values (similar to "initiator-name" for iSCSI). Similarly, "host-address" accepts permitted host addresses similar to "initiator-portal" for iSCSI.
  • A new "transport-group" context enumerates transports that can be used by a group of NVMeoF controllers similar to the "portal-group" context for iSCSI. In this section, the "listen" keyword accepts a transport as well as an address to permit other types of transports besides TCP in the future. The "foreign", "offload", and "redirect" keywords are also not meaningful and thus not supported.
  • A new "controller" context describes an NVMeoF I/O controller similar to the "target" context for iSCSI. One key difference here is that "lun" objects are replaced by "namespace" objects. However, a "namespace" can reference a named global lun permitting LUNs to be shared between iSCSI targets and NVMeoF controllers.

NB: Authentication via CHAP is not implemented for NVMeoF.

Sponsored by: Chelsio Communications

Diff Detail

rG FreeBSD src repository
Lint Skipped
Tests Skipped
Build Status
Buildable 62178
Build 59062: arc lint + arc unit

Event Timeline

jhb requested review of this revision.Jan 31 2025, 8:16 PM

Update manpage for change to default TCP port

As an example, this is the config file I used for testing. It exports the same LUNs via both iSCSI and NVMe (and I can connect to both at the same time as you can see from my ctladm output over in D48776.

lun zvol {
	path /dev/zvol/bhyve/iscsi
	size 4G

lun ramdisk {
	backend ramdisk
	size 1G
	option capacity 1G

portal-group pg0 {
	discovery-auth-group no-authentication
	listen [::]
	offload cxgbei

target {
	auth-group no-authentication
	portal-group pg0
	lun 0 zvol
	lun 1 ramdisk

controller {
	auth-group no-authentication
	namespace 1 zvol
	namespace 2 ramdisk

In this case, the portal group is only used to enable the cxgbei offload.


Perhaps I should be adding a ctld_transport_group_name key similar to the ctld_portal_group_name used for iSCSI.

Rebase after C++ prep commits