User Details
- User Since
- Oct 23 2015, 10:32 PM (485 w, 6 d)
Jun 1 2016
May 31 2016
Already integrated; I believe this can be abandoned?
May 27 2016
Minor issue related to the module build when testing against BCM4331.
Looks good, just inlined two minor comments.
Other than some minor style(9) issues to be fixed, looks good to me. Thanks for fixing these!
Looks good, just some minor comments inlined.
May 24 2016
- Rebased against HEAD
- Fix typo in BCM4706 quirk hwrev.
- Re-enable the PCIe-G2 quirk table.
May 23 2016
May 22 2016
Based on feedback, lift a number of chipc subroutines out into chipc_subr.c
Re-integration of chipc_cap handling
Fix a typo helpfully caught by gcc/tinderbox.
May 21 2016
When vending siba(4) region addresses, ensure that the port address range matches the resource defaults.
Drop extraneous changes to bhndb that break the i386 build.
Implement port-based management/proxying of bhnd_chipc SYS_RES_MEMORY resource mappings.
May 20 2016
Based on IRC conversation, the plan here is:
Added BCM43602 note.
Inline replies. I'll submit a new diff fixing that typo in a bit.
May 19 2016
May 17 2016
Manually generated patch with git rename tracking disabled, applies cleanly against SVN.
Rebased against HEAD.
May 15 2016
- Fix spelling in comment.
May 13 2016
Thanks; fixed and rebased against HEAD.
- Merge branch 'master' into arcpatch-D6312
- Drop sh accidentally added in master to the dependency lines in sys/conf/files.
- Adopt AWK:- default value syntax recommended by emaste.
May 12 2016
Inlined a number of bus-related comments; apologies, I still haven't had time to look at the chipcbus resource handling in enough detail.
Should this live in sys/mips/broadcom?
May 11 2016
Looks good to me.
It should be possible to unify these as a single bcma_nexus driver that attaches to the mips nexus, and rely on the default/inherited implementation for most of these methods.
If @adrian is OK with the BHND_LOGLEVEL addition to sys/conf, the rest looks good to me.
May 10 2016
Looks good to me. Tested against a BCM4331 bridged device.
May 7 2016
Can you verify against HEAD and abandon/update as necessary?
- Add support for generating a set of #defines for all bhnd(4) NVRAM variable keys.
- Allow ChipCommon to attach when OTP or NFLASH SPROM sources are identified.
- Rename the bhnd_nvram_* variable functions (modeled on the OF_prop* API).
- When generating nvram map headers, truncate any existing output file.
- Add an explicit fallback cases for unmatched enums.
- Re-integrate module dependency that went missing in a merge.
Drop duplicate prototype introduced in merge.
Remote extra deltas pulled in by arc in last update.
- Rebase against master
- Integrate missing bus read/write method references (merge issue caught by tinderbox).
May 6 2016
I like the broken out caps structure.
Sweet. I just had some minor comments, in addition to the style(9) stuff.
mizkha: when you get a chance, can you eyeball this for any issues on the SoC side?
Can you do a style(9) rework of this one?
Other than minor style(9) whitespace and prefixing the macro names, looks good.
Other than minor style(9) issue, looks good to me.
If you rebase against HEAD, adrian fixed all of these upstream yesterday.
Optimize NVRAM table lookup, rebase against master.
May 4 2016
May 3 2016
Minor spelling fix.
Fix merge issue in device match table.
Minor spelling fix
May 2 2016
Apr 20 2016
rebased against HEAD
Mar 28 2016
Fix matching of the ChipCommon device (corrected diff).
Fix matching of the ChipCommon device.
Mar 27 2016
Requested changes inline as source comments; sorry for the delay, I accidentally left my comments unsubmitted (I'm new to phabricator too).
Based on our IRC discussions about implementing a bhnd_(nexus|fdt|etc) directly, I'm assuming this can be closed.
Mar 16 2016
Minor issues aside, LGTM.
I'm ambivalent about adding line history to drop trailing whitespace, so I'll let @adrian decide.
Other than the minor /**, looks good to me.
Mar 15 2016
Mar 14 2016
Dec 17 2015
Install the mdio(4) man page.
Enable mdio(4) module.