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iflib(4): Replace admin taskqueue group with per-interface taskqueues
Needs ReviewPublic

Authored by on Jul 22 2024, 4:26 PM.
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Wed, Feb 26, 8:21 AM
Unknown Object (File)
Jan 24 2025, 12:45 AM
Unknown Object (File)
Jan 24 2025, 12:34 AM
Unknown Object (File)
Jan 24 2025, 12:33 AM
Unknown Object (File)
Jan 24 2025, 12:31 AM
Unknown Object (File)
Jan 23 2025, 8:58 PM
Unknown Object (File)
Jan 18 2025, 6:15 AM
Unknown Object (File)
Jan 18 2025, 4:39 AM



Using one taskqueue group with single thread to execute all admin
tasks may lead to unexpected timeouts when long running task (e.g.
handling a reset after FW update) for one interface prevents
tasks from other interfaces being executed. Taskqueue group API
doesn't let to dynamically add threads, and pre-allocating thread
for each CPU as it's done for traffic queues would be a waste
of resources on systems with small number of interfaces. Replace
global taskqueue group for admin tasks with taskqueue allocated
for each interface to allow independent execution.

Signed-off-by: Krzysztof Galazka <>

Diff Detail

rG FreeBSD src repository
Lint Skipped
Tests Skipped
Build Status
Buildable 58764
Build 55652: arc lint + arc unit

Event Timeline

Rebased on top of master.
Free taskqueue after releasing interrupts per jhb comment on Github.

jhb added a subscriber: jhb.

This looks ok to me, though I'm not intimately familiar with all of iflib.

This revision is now accepted and ready to land.Oct 21 2024, 3:52 PM
kbowling added a subscriber: kbowling.

Seems reasonable to me. If there is any work that depends or interacts with these changes it would be nice to see them linked/referenced so we can look at that too but I can't foresee any problems.


Can this line be removed entirely?


Can you explain how this works? Looks like we used to have vflr_task but this will not be needed anymore with the per interface task which I suppose could do the same work?

Seems reasonable to me. If there is any work that depends or interacts with these changes it would be nice to see them linked/referenced so we can look at that too but I can't foresee any problems.

There is no dependent work.


Uh, I'm sorry, I don't know what I was thinking. I changed iflib_iov_intr_deferred to enqueue a task to admin taskqueue but this task is never initialized. I need to fix that. Thanks for pointing this out.

Add forgotten task init for IFLIB_INTR_IOV soft irq type.

This revision now requires review to proceed.Nov 25 2024, 5:49 PM
This revision is now accepted and ready to land.Nov 25 2024, 7:08 PM

Prefix name with if_


Does this need cleanup of the taskqueue?

This revision now requires review to proceed.Dec 6 2024, 7:59 PM

gtask is used below:

info->ifi_task = gtask;

but I guess I can add initialization to NULL in the declaration instead. Is that what you mean?


Do you mean something more elaborate than taskqueue_free in iflib_device_deregister?

@kbowling Do you want me to make any additional changes in this patch?