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ipfw: add divert(4) tests

Authored by igoro on Oct 20 2023, 12:31 PM.
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Group Reviewers

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rG FreeBSD src repository
Lint Skipped
Tests Skipped

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markj added inline comments.

Since these are new tests, would it be possible to somehow give the jails unique names (named after the test perhaps) and avoid this constraint? Being able to run tests in parallel is pretty useful for CI runs, so it'd be nice to avoid adding yet more serialized tests if possible.

Yes, good point. Actually, the comment is not accurate, the issue is not only with jail name clashing, at least the routing table is in play as well.

I have considered options to deal with such isolation on the test case side and from my point of view it could be quite messy and with introduction of additional complexity, while we try to keep tests as simple as possible for creation and maintenance.

I've tried to look at this from another level and as a result added jail support to kyua, see And this patch shows how it could be used to make these tests running in parallel.

What do you think?

In D42314#966351, wrote:

Yes, good point. Actually, the comment is not accurate, the issue is not only with jail name clashing, at least the routing table is in play as well.

I have considered options to deal with such isolation on the test case side and from my point of view it could be quite messy and with introduction of additional complexity, while we try to keep tests as simple as possible for creation and maintenance.

I've tried to look at this from another level and as a result added jail support to kyua, see And this patch shows how it could be used to make these tests running in parallel.

What do you think?

Whoa, awesome! We've talked about adding this kind of feature before, specifically to make it easier to run existing tests in parallel.

Please give me a few days to get to the review, but I think it's a good direction.

This patch triggered the work on Kyua's execenv=jail feature and ended up being an example during the design discussion. As long as Mark's review comment to avoid exclusiveness in these tests has been recently resolved by introduction of Kyua's execenv=jail we can come back to the tests themselves. A separate fresh review is created for that: