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LAG LACP timeout tunable through IOCTL

Authored by on Aug 4 2015, 11:17 AM.
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Jan 10 2025, 8:25 AM
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Dec 3 2024, 2:32 AM


Group Reviewers

In FreeBSD-10 and in Current, by default LACP supports only long timeout.
FreeBSD does not provide the way to configure LACP timeout period.
We made code changes for LACP Fast-timeout (Using IOCTL, both GET / SET) on FreeBSD-11.
And we were able to successfully test the operation using IOCtl calls from userland.

Please let us know your comments to take this forward.

Test Plan


Test plan for LACP timeout tunable through IOCTL

Prepared by:

Lakshmi Narasimhan Sundararajan

Testing Strategy

Unit testing:

  1. Form a LACP between 2 machine say (A) and (B). (A) is development machine and (B) to support functionality of LACP
  2. Ensure by default, machine (B) sends LACP PDU in slow timeout.
  3. Using ifconfig utility, tune machine (A) LACP timeout value to fast timeout.
  4. After tuning ensure that machine (B) honour fast timeout for machine (A).


Changes require on userland ifconfig and if_lagg (LAGG) driver


Updated the ifconfig.8 man page

Diff Detail

Lint Skipped
Tests Skipped

Event Timeline retitled this revision from to LAG LACP timeout tunable through IOCTL. updated this object. edited the test plan for this revision. (Show Details)

Please see about including more context. Thanks!


Needs an ending period. "on the interface" might be unnecessary, it's hard to tell.


Needs an ending period. "on the interface" might be unnecessary, it's hard to tell. edited edge metadata. removed rS FreeBSD src repository - subversion as the repository for this revision.

Thanks warren,

Addressed your review comments on:

  1. Ending period changes on man page
  2. Uploaded svn diff with full context

Warren, I have addressed your comments. Please let me know how I can speed up the process to get this integrated to mainline.

hiren added a reviewer: hiren.
hiren added subscribers: network, hiren.

Looks okay to me.

smh requested changes to this revision.Aug 11 2015, 4:37 PM
smh added a reviewer: smh.
smh added a subscriber: smh.

The option used here isn't ideal IMO as it's meaning, which is to enable / disable "fast" timeout, isn't obvious and could easily be miss-interpreted without reading the man page.

Using lacp_fast_timeout -lacp_fast_timeout, while a little longer, would make obvious from the flag name.

This revision now requires changes to proceed.Aug 11 2015, 4:37 PM

Agreed on the name change, but then it's fine to commit IMHO. edited edge metadata.

Thanks Hiren / Steven / George for your review comments.

Addressed the review comments on name change.

smh edited edge metadata.

Thanks for making that change :)

All looks good to me now, time to get this in?

In D3300#91230, @smh wrote:

All looks good to me now, time to get this in?

Actually, this went in already, in r286700, but it wasn't tagged w/ this review. Marking this closed now.

Hmm, except when I try to close it, I get: "You can not close this revision because it has not been accepted. You can only close accepted revisions."

Ah, it looks like it's still marked red for "manpages"...

bjk added a reviewer: bjk.
bjk added a subscriber: bjk.

The man pages are fine.

This revision is now accepted and ready to land.Dec 1 2015, 9:53 PM