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llvm-objdump: initial man page

Authored by emaste on Nov 23 2018, 3:58 PM.
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Mon, Feb 3, 7:16 AM
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Tue, Jan 21, 10:01 AM



Based on llvm-objdump's online documentation and usage information.

Also being submitted upstream as New features and option parsing improvements are being made upstream; I expect to use this one for LLVM 6 and 7, then switch to the upstream one when we import 8.

Diff Detail

rS FreeBSD src repository - subversion
Lint Not Applicable
Tests Not Applicable

Event Timeline

yuripv added inline comments.
11 ↗(On Diff #51005)

Just IMO: listing all the long options in the synopsis section makes it unreadable (see diff(1), for example); if there are no short ones, just say llvm-objdump [OPTIONS] objfile ... like some of gnu utilities do (yeah, I know...), e.g., gnugrep(1).

emaste added inline comments.
11 ↗(On Diff #51005)

There are a mix of long and short options, some short ones not documented.

I had this discussion with Ingo Schwarze about the ld.lld.1 man page as well; he does not like eliminating the options in the synopsis, but also does not like long options at all.

I think you're right that the giant collection of long options is not that helpful, although note that GNU objdump does list all of its options in the synopsis.

Split mach-o options to subsection.

Did you ran the man page through "mandoc -Tlint" and textproc/igor to see if they spot any errors?
I found just one issue. Good to have a man page for it and even better to upstream it!

151 ↗(On Diff #51017)

Line break after the sentence stop.

Clean up mandoc -Tlint and/or igor complaints.

OK from manpages, others may have comments on the content itself.

This revision is now accepted and ready to land.Nov 23 2018, 7:28 PM
In D18309#388676, @bcr wrote:

OK from manpages, others may have comments on the content itself.

Thanks @bcr, I'll wait a bit for comments from others. I don't think this is a great man page, but is a starting point. I expect to iterate on it both in our tree and upstream.

This revision was automatically updated to reflect the committed changes.