Add a man page for gptboot.efi. Describe when and how to use this as it differes
from the BIOS cases. Include cross reference for the preferred method described
in efibootmgr(8) as well as cross links in both gptboot(8) and gptboot.efi(8) to
the other.
This man page was heavily copied from the gptboot.8 man page by Warren Block.
They are different enough to need separate man pages for clarity, but there's
enough similarity that I worry about the duplication. In the really long term,
gptboot(8) will disappear, so having the same info here will help when that
day comes.
Not fixed at this time is the need to document boot1.efi and to overhaul
loader.8 to fold in changes from the last several years.
I won't commit this file, but it lives in the branch and ended up in the review as a result.