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graphics/zathura: Update to 0.4.8, Add SyncTeX support

Authored by on Oct 1 2021, 7:16 PM.
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Dec 6 2024, 2:47 PM


graphics/zathura: Update to 0.4.8, Add SyncTeX support

The port depended on libsynctex without ever using it, as it
was never passed to the meson build, and even if it was, it
would fail since it requires libsynctex >= 1.19.0 and the
current version is 1.17.0.

It now works as expected once D32264 lands.

pkg-descr and pkg-message are also improved, and pkg-plist
is updated with new paths for fish completion and the scalable
app icon.
Test Plan
  • portlint:
  • testport:
  • other: I used it for days on FreeBSD 13.0-RELEASE

Diff Detail

rP FreeBSD ports repository
No Lint Coverage
No Test Coverage
Build Status
Buildable 43673
Build 40561: arc lint + arc unit

Event Timeline

Have you contacted the maintainer?

Not yet, my apologies. I will email them right away.

This revision is now accepted and ready to land.Oct 2 2021, 8:34 PM
koobs requested changes to this revision.Jan 2 2022, 12:31 AM
koobs retitled this revision from graphics/zathura: Update and add SyncTeX support to graphics/zathura: Update to 0.4.8, Add SyncTeX support.
koobs edited the summary of this revision. (Show Details)
koobs edited the test plan for this revision. (Show Details)
koobs added a subscriber: koobs.
koobs added inline comments.

OPTION_DESC's should have descriptions that describe the feature/value from a user perspective. Sometimes this is just the name of the dependencies, but often it is not.

In this case I believe SyncTeX is used for Zathura's 'Forward/Inverse Search' feature.

One may consider:

  • Renaming the SYNCTEX option to SEARCH, OR
  • Creating a SEARCH option GROUP, with LATEX being an option within it

In the latter case, the search group can have its own description like SEARCH_DESC"Forward/Inverse Search " and LATEX_DESC="Latex Support", or similasr


Review summary says libsynctex >= 1.19.0 but this version spec is not added here. Perhaps depend on the packagename instead, allowing you to pass the version requirement.


Commit log message should describe the 'why' for all meaningful changes.

What happened to this file? Not explained in the review summary.


Commit log message should describe the 'why' for all meaningful changes.

What happened to this file? Not explained in the review summary.

This revision now requires changes to proceed.Jan 2 2022, 12:33 AM edited the test plan for this revision. (Show Details)
  • graphics/zathura: Add the new path for fish completion and scalable app icon to the pkg-plist marked 2 inline comments as done.
  • graphics/zathura: Specify the library version for SYNCTEX_LIB_DEPENDS

Is it OK now? I didn't know how to ask for a greater than or equal to a specific version. Please let me know if I should do it differently.


I forgot to add the new path when I deleted the old one, my apologies.


Same as above, I forgot to add the new path when I deleted the old one, my apologies.

  • graphics/zathura: Improve SYNCTEX_DESC

I improved the description but kept the title as is since Zathura uses the same term even on their website. But if you still think it's better to change it to something like SEARCH, let me know and I'll follow your call.

koobs requested changes to this revision.Jan 2 2022, 11:22 PM
koobs added inline comments.

Is there synchronization support for other formats?

Granted upstream describes the technology that drives the feature (synctex), but this still feels like:

LATEX_DESC=LaTeX Synchronization Support with SyncTeX

Depend on the package name, instead of the library like:


If its also required at build time:


This revision now requires changes to proceed.Jan 2 2022, 11:22 PM

I haven't seen forward/inverse search synchronisation anywhere else, but theoretically, there could be, and I just searched for inverse search technologies, and GNU LilyPond seems to have something similar. So yes, there should be similar implementations for other typesetting systems. Therefore, since Zathura is a general document viewer and they might implement other synchronisation technologies in future, we'd better use something more descriptive, right.

But I go with TeX as the title since it's not only targeting LaTeX. Please let me know if you have another idea.

TEX_DESC=  Direct and reverse synchronisation support with SyncTeX
  • graphics/zathura: Change SYNCTEX option to TEX, and depend on package name added inline comments.

Done. Please let me know if there's anything else I could improve.

koobs requested changes to this revision.Apr 8 2022, 2:14 AM
koobs added inline comments.

'to do' isnt the best grammar here. 'for' is better.


There's duplicate TEX_DESC's here.

This revision now requires changes to proceed.Apr 8 2022, 2:14 AM marked an inline comment as done.

Closed in order to continue with D34851 for the next version.