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The experiment to consolidate some crypto functions, shared between zfs/geli.

Authored by tsoome on Aug 22 2016, 10:09 PM.
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Sat, Feb 22, 8:25 AM



The goal is to reduce code duplication in loader by creating a separate
instance of crypto library, which can be linked if either zfs or geli
is needed. Incidentally it also resulted in some related changes, such as
geli + zfsboot (totally untested however). Also there is still some
confusion about _STAND and _STANDALONE defines, which probably will need
some attention. Also there seems to be some confusion about
use cases.

The resulting zfsloader binary is only slightly reduced in size:
-r-xr-xr-x 1 root wheel 446464 Aug 19 08:46 zfsloader
-rw-r--r-- 1 root wheel 438272 Aug 23 00:30 zfsloader.b

in this sample, the zfsloader.b is built based on this work. Since only
sha256/sha512-256 code was duplicated, the result is quite good, I think.

There also seems to be some sort of issue preventing removal of unused
symbols from resulting binaries, the specific case was observed regarding
SHA* functions, eventually I just used preprocessor to exclude unused ones.

Most likely I have missed some related parts, only tested x86 build.

Test Plan

Tested with sha256/sha512 checksum set on zfs datasets.

The current best size for zfsloader with -Os is:
-rw-r--r-- 1 root wheel 380928 Aug 23 19:55 zfsloader

Diff Detail

rS FreeBSD src repository - subversion
Lint Passed
No Test Coverage
Build Status
Buildable 4887
Build 4950: arc lint + arc unit

Event Timeline

tsoome retitled this revision from to The experiment to consolidate some crypto functions, shared between zfs/geli..
tsoome updated this object.
tsoome edited the test plan for this revision. (Show Details)
tsoome added subscribers: allanjude, imp.
tsoome edited edge metadata.

I hope I got most makefiles right now, defaults to use -Os,
-Oz did break ficl (i think).
Updated to revision 304689.

tsoome edited edge metadata.
tsoome edited the test plan for this revision. (Show Details)

zfsboot has leftover libbootcrypto reference in Makefile

Updated to revision 306775.

resulting file sizes:
tsoome@freebsd:/usr/obj/usr/src/sys/boot % ls -l i386/zfsloader/zfsloader efi/boot1/boot1.efi efi/loader/loader.efi userboot/userboot/
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root wheel 117248 Oct 6 21:10 efi/boot1/boot1.efi
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root wheel 414720 Oct 6 21:10 efi/loader/loader.efi
-rw-r--r-- 1 root wheel 380928 Oct 6 21:11 i386/zfsloader/zfsloader
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root wheel 376128 Oct 6 21:11 userboot/userboot/
tsoome@freebsd:/usr/obj/usr/src/sys/boot %

tsoome edited edge metadata.

Updated to revision 308153.

If you have time, could you refresh this, I'd like to look at it again.

8 ↗(On Diff #19614)

could we maybe also do CFLAGS.clang+= -Oz

Updated to revision 319604.

Thanks for the work! (I thought this was already landed last year :)

The change looks good to me (and I appreciate it as a step forward -- duplicated copies of cryptographic code is a big headache for us) overall.

(Totally optional: I wonder if the cryptoboot library could be folded into libstand? Or is there some specific reasons we have to create a new library instead? I'm asking because doing so would avoid building it multiple times, and the license of the source are all BSD compatible.)

This revision is now accepted and ready to land.Jun 5 2017, 8:21 PM

Thanks for the work! (I thought this was already landed last year :)

The change looks good to me (and I appreciate it as a step forward -- duplicated copies of cryptographic code is a big headache for us) overall.

(Totally optional: I wonder if the cryptoboot library could be folded into libstand? Or is there some specific reasons we have to create a new library instead? I'm asking because doing so would avoid building it multiple times, and the license of the source are all BSD compatible.)

I did not want to push it too hastily, one thing is the same concern about if it is good to have separate lib - the problem there is all this mess with options to pick/drop the features and for first step I just wanted to make it (libcryptoboot) very visible, so that maybe some better ideas will pop. The second issue is really about the build options (-Os versus -Oz). And then we have the alternate platforms next to x86:)

So in an sense, it still may be good idea to split this patch more. The libstand by itself does not really help about multiple builds, because we need 32-bit for bios and 64 (+32 in future?) for UEFI, + one for userboot (bhyve). But in any case, I did name it an experiment for purpose:)