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vm_phys: tune vm_phys_enqueue_contig loop

Authored by dougm on Aug 2 2023, 4:43 AM.
Referenced Files
F112492242: D41289.id125601.diff
Tue, Mar 18, 7:40 PM
Unknown Object (File)
Feb 15 2025, 4:10 AM
Unknown Object (File)
Feb 14 2025, 8:00 PM
Unknown Object (File)
Feb 14 2025, 7:26 AM
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Feb 11 2025, 8:27 AM
Unknown Object (File)
Jan 24 2025, 6:31 PM
Unknown Object (File)
Jan 24 2025, 6:53 AM
Unknown Object (File)
Jan 23 2025, 6:41 PM



Rewrite the final loop in vm_phys_enqueue_contig as a new function, vm_phys_enq_beg.

The number of amd64 bytes in the loop shrinks from 91 to 70.


1e20: 48 89 d1                     	movq	%rdx, %rcx
1e23: 48 29 f1                     	subq	%rsi, %rcx
1e26: 48 c1 f9 03                  	sarq	$0x3, %rcx
1e2a: 48 0f af cf                  	imulq	%rdi, %rcx
1e2e: 48 0f bd c9                  	bsrq	%rcx, %rcx
1e32: 88 4e 5c                     	movb	%cl, 0x5c(%rsi)
1e35: 4c 8d 46 10                  	leaq	0x10(%rsi), %r8
1e39: 48 c7 46 10 00 00 00 00      	movq	$0x0, 0x10(%rsi)
1e41: 41 89 c9                     	movl	%ecx, %r9d
1e44: 4f 8d 0c 49                  	leaq	(%r9,%r9,2), %r9
1e48: 4e 8b 54 c8 08               	movq	0x8(%rax,%r9,8), %r10
1e4d: 4c 89 56 18                  	movq	%r10, 0x18(%rsi)
1e51: 4e 8b 54 c8 08               	movq	0x8(%rax,%r9,8), %r10
1e56: 49 89 32                     	movq	%rsi, (%r10)
1e59: 4e 89 44 c8 08               	movq	%r8, 0x8(%rax,%r9,8)
1e5e: 42 ff 44 c8 10               	incl	0x10(%rax,%r9,8)
1e63: 41 b8 01 00 00 00            	movl	$0x1, %r8d
1e69: 41 d3 e0                     	shll	%cl, %r8d
1e6c: 49 63 c8                     	movslq	%r8d, %rcx
1e6f: 48 6b c9 68                  	imulq	$0x68, %rcx, %rcx
1e73: 48 01 ce                     	addq	%rcx, %rsi
1e76: 48 39 d6                     	cmpq	%rdx, %rsi
1e79: 72 a5                        	jb	0x1e20 <vm_phys_enqueue_contig+0x130>


1e20: 0f bd ca                     	bsrl	%edx, %ecx
1e23: 88 4e 5c                     	movb	%cl, 0x5c(%rsi)
1e26: 48 8d 7e 10                  	leaq	0x10(%rsi), %rdi
1e2a: 48 c7 46 10 00 00 00 00      	movq	$0x0, 0x10(%rsi)
1e32: 4c 8d 04 49                  	leaq	(%rcx,%rcx,2), %r8
1e36: 4e 8b 4c c0 08               	movq	0x8(%rax,%r8,8), %r9
1e3b: 4c 89 4e 18                  	movq	%r9, 0x18(%rsi)
1e3f: 4e 8b 4c c0 08               	movq	0x8(%rax,%r8,8), %r9
1e44: 49 89 31                     	movq	%rsi, (%r9)
1e47: 4a 89 7c c0 08               	movq	%rdi, 0x8(%rax,%r8,8)
1e4c: 42 ff 44 c0 10               	incl	0x10(%rax,%r8,8)
1e51: bf 01 00 00 00               	movl	$0x1, %edi
1e56: d3 e7                        	shll	%cl, %edi
1e58: 48 63 cf                     	movslq	%edi, %rcx
1e5b: 48 6b f9 68                  	imulq	$0x68, %rcx, %rdi
1e5f: 48 01 fe                     	addq	%rdi, %rsi
1e62: 29 ca                        	subl	%ecx, %edx
1e64: 75 ba                        	jne	0x1e20 <vm_phys_enqueue_contig+0x130>
Test Plan

Booted a kernel. Asking pho for outside help.

Diff Detail

rG FreeBSD src repository
Lint Not Applicable
Tests Not Applicable

Event Timeline

dougm requested review of this revision.Aug 2 2023, 4:43 AM
dougm created this revision.
dougm edited the summary of this revision. (Show Details)
dougm edited the test plan for this revision. (Show Details)
dougm added a subscriber: pho.


I ran tests for an hour with D41289.125507.patch on

FreeBSD 14.0-CURRENT FreeBSD 14.0-CURRENT #0 main-n264491-8a5c836b51ce2-dirty: Thu Aug  3 18:20:47 CEST 2023 amd64

I also did a buildkernel. I did not observe any issues.

Fix the leading assertion for npages==0.

kib added inline comments.

Can this statement there and in other heralds, be expressed as an assertion?

This revision is now accepted and ready to land.Aug 4 2023, 8:30 PM

We calculate m_buddy as

m_buddy = &seg->first_page[atop(pa - seg->start)];

in a couple of places. So we depend on seg, which is not passed to this function. Until the rest of the code computes m_buddy without reference to seg, I don't think I can safely do it here to provide these assertions.

This revision was automatically updated to reflect the committed changes.