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Add tests verifying IPv4/IPv6 output for TCP/UDP/raw paths.

Authored by melifaro on Mar 20 2020, 3:30 PM.
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Tue, Feb 11, 7:28 AM
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Dec 28 2024, 10:07 AM



Add basic tests verifying most common output codepaths for TCP,UDP and raw sockets.

Each test is implemented in 2 vnet jails, interacting over epair interface(s).
Multipath tests currently do not work on stock -head.

Test Plan
kyua test -k /usr/tests/sys/netinet/Kyuafile output
output:output_raw_flowid_mpath_success  ->  passed  [0.462s]
output:output_raw_success  ->  passed  [0.083s]
output:output_tcp_flowid_mpath_success  ->  passed  [1.889s]
output:output_tcp_setup_success  ->  passed  [0.171s]
output:output_udp_flowid_mpath_success  ->  passed  [9.382s]
output:output_udp_setup_success  ->  passed  [1.265s]
kyua test -k /usr/tests/sys/netinet6/Kyuafile output6
output6:output6_raw_flowid_mpath_success  ->  passed  [2.224s]
output6:output6_raw_success  ->  passed  [1.904s]
output6:output6_tcp_flowid_mpath_success  ->  passed  [2.817s]
output6:output6_tcp_setup_success  ->  passed  [1.753s]
output6:output6_udp_flowid_mpath_success  ->  passed  [5.127s]
output6:output6_udp_setup_success  ->  passed  [3.138s]

Diff Detail

rS FreeBSD src repository - subversion
Lint Not Applicable
Tests Not Applicable

Event Timeline

melifaro edited the test plan for this revision. (Show Details)
melifaro added reviewers: network, transport, kp.
16 ↗(On Diff #69719)

Do we need this? We should already be adding epair0a to created_interfaces.lst, and deleting that one deletes epair0b as well.

16 ↗(On Diff #69719)

In short, yes.

Currently, there is no guarantee that jail is destroyed upon return of the jail -r cmd. For example, when some connections inside the jail are in TIME_WAIT state, destruction is delayed till fin_wait2 timeout. As a result, interface may appear in the host jail only after 60 seconds.

Please take a look at the following example:


epair=$(ifconfig epair create)
jail_name=j-`date +%s`
jail -c name=${jail_name}a persist vnet vnet.interface=${epair}
jail -c name=${jail_name}b persist vnet vnet.interface=${epair%a}b
jexec ${jail_name}a ifconfig ${epair} inet
jexec ${jail_name}b ifconfig ${epair%a}b inet
jexec ${jail_name}b nc -l 4242 &
sleep 0.1
echo test | jexec ${jail_name}a nc -Nn 4242
jexec ${jail_name}a netstat -an
jail -r ${jail_name}a
jail -r ${jail_name}b
sleep 0.1
ifconfig -l
echo ----
jls -N
echo ----
jls -dN
echo Sleeping..
sleep 58
ifconfig -l
sleep 3
ifconfig -l

It outputs

Active Internet connections (including servers)
Proto Recv-Q Send-Q Local Address          Foreign Address        (state)
tcp4       0      0       TIME_WAIT
em0 em1 em2 lo0 epair0b
 JID             IP Address      Hostname                      Path
 JID             IP Address      Hostname                      Path
 j-1584786208a                                                 /
em0 em1 em2 lo0 epair0b
em0 em1 em2 lo0 epair0b epair0a

@bz could you consider taking a look?

16 ↗(On Diff #69719)

Let me put it differently: it does not guarantee that interface won't be leaked but increases this possibility.

I'd prefer to have the proper solution but was unable to find one.

  • shutting down interface does not help
  • removing interface alias does not help
  • destroying inside the jail does not work
  • jail -m for vnet.interface - not sure how this would work, as there can be multiple interfaces
  • time_wait can be reduced to hunderds of milliseconds but that looks like another workaround.

Thanks for the explanation. That makes sense.

This revision is now accepted and ready to land.Mar 21 2020, 11:04 AM