This moves master.passwd to using CONFS= and reverts the logic back to the
way it was before, but by handling it in lib/libc/gen/
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- rS FreeBSD src repository - subversion
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Buildable 20150 Build 19643: arc lint + arc unit
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It would be better to keep the master.passwd and other sensitive core file in it's place, and create a base file or base system metapackage, which pulls out the files from the proper place..
This looks okay to me for just the moving of master.passwd, though I am not found of its landing location, but can I ask for 24 hours to put together the net effect patch of what was commited, and partially reverted in combination with this patch to look for any of the pointy sticks that came up. Thanks, Rod
A question has come up, isnt libc part of base, ie even in a pkgbase system libc must be installed? If that is the case then master.passwd must be installed, and I do not see a good compelling reason to move it from its current orthagonal to DESTDIR locatoin in the src tree.
Yes, so part of the reason is to move these to CONFS installs and the other part is to try and move things to go with the source code. I picked libc since ther are lots of functions that use master.passwd in libc.
Though I disagree with the relocation of this to libc as it is going to be installed with the absolute minimal system anyway so this delta just creates src tree churn, and user finger memory churn. You site your reason for moving it is to put it close to the sources, well, traditionally BSD sources are layed out to match the installed DESTDIR tree. I understand things like csh and sh conf files moving, that makes since in a world where csh or sh may or may not be installed by a pkgbase, however that makes no since in a world where libc and hence master.passwd shall always be installed.
How many config files are now under libc and well always be installed? Could that not of been handled by make a etc pkg that is also installed with libc?
I think the use case of not installing master.passwd is very very small.
Your last comment applies to an etc pkg as well.. And if you remove bits of the system via pkg delete that will not clean up config files with it, which I think is valuable.