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vm_phys_init: Quiet unused but set warnings about npages.

Authored by jhb on Apr 12 2022, 6:31 PM.
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npages is used in two optional cases:

  • to conditionally create a separate DMA32 free list
  • to index vm_page_array for VM_PHYSSEG_SPARSE

Add in more #ifdef's around npages statements.

Diff Detail

rG FreeBSD src repository
Lint Not Applicable
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Event Timeline

jhb requested review of this revision.Apr 12 2022, 6:31 PM

I really dislike all the ifdefs and would be tempted to define VM_DMA32_NPAGES_THRESHOLD to 0 if it's not defined. (And currently it's defined iff VM_FREELIST_DMA32 is defined anyway.) But this is ok.

This revision is now accepted and ready to land.Apr 12 2022, 6:45 PM

I really dislike all the ifdefs and would be tempted to define VM_DMA32_NPAGES_THRESHOLD to 0 if it's not defined. (And currently it's defined iff VM_FREELIST_DMA32 is defined anyway.) But this is ok.

I would be fine with defaulting VM_DMA32_NPAGES_THRESHOLD to 0. I think npages declaration is still stuck with being under #ifdef's though as the read is only under #ifdef VM_FREELIST_DMA32 so you'd need all the new #ifdef's just with that name instead. (Right now I'm assuming that VM_DMA32_NPAGES_THRESHOLD basically implies VM_FREELIST_DMA32.)


The code here also seems wrong. The first segment below VM_DMA32_BOUNDARY will see a npages of 0 and will fall through to the else case and count those pages as "> 4G" pages even though they aren't. I feel like the logic you kind of want is more like:

bool seen_dma32;
seen_dma32 = false;
       if (seg->end <= VM_DMA32_BOUNDARY) {
           seen_dma32 = true;
           if n(pages > VM_DMA32_NPAGES_THRESHOLD)
               vm_freelist_to_flind[VM_FREELIST_DMA32] = 1;
       else {
           npages += atop(seg->end - seg->start);
           vm_freelist_to_flind[VM_FREELIST_DEFAULT] = 1;

Default VM_DMA32_NPAGES_THRESHOLD to 0 would then just leave the VM_FREELIST_DMA32 #ifdef which is slightly less terrible?

jhb retitled this revision from vm_phys_init: Quite unused but set warnings about npages. to vm_phys_init: Quiet unused but set warnings about npages..Apr 12 2022, 9:03 PM
In D34887#790746, @jhb wrote:

I really dislike all the ifdefs and would be tempted to define VM_DMA32_NPAGES_THRESHOLD to 0 if it's not defined. (And currently it's defined iff VM_FREELIST_DMA32 is defined anyway.) But this is ok.

I would be fine with defaulting VM_DMA32_NPAGES_THRESHOLD to 0. I think npages declaration is still stuck with being under #ifdef's though as the read is only under #ifdef VM_FREELIST_DMA32 so you'd need all the new #ifdef's just with that name instead. (Right now I'm assuming that VM_DMA32_NPAGES_THRESHOLD basically implies VM_FREELIST_DMA32.)

Yeah, adding a default value for this threshold would just let us remove some of the existing ifdefs.


Note that the loop steps over the segs in reverse order, i.e., starting from the highest PAs. I agree that the comment still isn't quite correct, though. We are indeed counting pages below 4G towards the threshold. I don't think it matters very much and would be inclined to fix the comment instead.

jhb marked an inline comment as done.Apr 13 2022, 10:38 PM
jhb added inline comments.

Ok. I'd be happy to have you fix the comment. :)

This revision was automatically updated to reflect the committed changes.
jhb marked an inline comment as done.