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x86: stop punishing VMs with low priority for TSC timecounter

Authored by kib on Dec 16 2020, 9:34 AM.
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I suspect that virtualization techniques improved from the time when we have to effectively disable TSC use in VM. For instance, it was reported (complained) in that FreeBSD is groundlessly slow on AWS with some loads.

I propose to remove the check and watch for complaints.

Diff Detail

rS FreeBSD src repository - subversion
Lint Skipped
Tests Skipped
Build Status
Buildable 35433

Event Timeline

kib requested review of this revision.Dec 16 2020, 9:34 AM
This revision is now accepted and ready to land.Dec 16 2020, 9:43 AM

This is fine with me; we need to make sure it's adequately publicized so that folks know to report issues.

Would it make sense to add a printf on boot reporting something like "Using TSC in VM guest, please report ..."? Or do we think it's sufficiently likely that VM TSC issues are irrelevant today that it's not necessary?

This is fine with me; we need to make sure it's adequately publicized so that folks know to report issues.

Would it make sense to add a printf on boot reporting something like "Using TSC in VM guest, please report ..."? Or do we think it's sufficiently likely that VM TSC issues are irrelevant today that it's not necessary?

I do not think dmesg can usefully function as the mailing list.

In D27629#618029, @kib wrote:

I do not think dmesg can usefully function as the mailing list.

No, but maybe someone would review dmesg if they run into trouble. Anyway I guess we have evidence that the current no-TSC-on-VM is suboptimal and notification made it to you so presumably trouble the opposite way would also end up reported somehow.

I added @cperciva to the review in hope that he would test or at least provide an opinion about AWS. AWS was the origin of the complains that lead to this change, but I do not think that people followed my advice.

I believe AWS user population is big enough to warrant the flip of defaults, even if some less important hypervisors would require manual tweaks (but I doubt).

Sorry, I've been mostly AFK due to recovering from my flu shot.

Poor performance of time-related syscalls is something I've noticed in AWS but never got around to chasing down. In one case I saw a dramatic improvement from switching over to TSC but I wasn't sure if it was safe.

FreeBSD runs on two x86 environments in EC2: Xen and Nitro (which looks like KVM). On Xen, Amazon recommends using the TSC, while on Nitro they recommend kvm-clock.