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Explicitly zero potentially sensitive data in software crypto and cxgbe.

Authored by jhb on May 29 2020, 9:51 PM.
Referenced Files
Unknown Object (File)
Mon, Mar 3, 6:54 AM
Unknown Object (File)
Wed, Feb 12, 11:47 AM
Unknown Object (File)
Wed, Feb 12, 9:32 AM
Unknown Object (File)
Mon, Feb 10, 1:15 AM
Unknown Object (File)
Mon, Feb 10, 1:04 AM
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Sun, Feb 9, 4:55 AM
Unknown Object (File)
Nov 23 2024, 10:30 AM
Unknown Object (File)
Nov 18 2024, 4:46 PM



Add explicit bzero's of sensitive data in software crypto consumers.

Explicitly zero IVs, block buffers, and hashes/digests.

Explicitly zero on-stack IVs, tags, and HMAC keys.

Explicitly AES zero key schedules on the stack.

Explicitly zero IVs on the stack.

Test Plan
  • tested with KTLS sending (uses AES-GCM) and cryptocheck

Diff Detail

rS FreeBSD src repository - subversion
Lint Not Applicable
Tests Not Applicable

Event Timeline

jhb requested review of this revision.May 29 2020, 9:51 PM


Conrad suggested you might be the best one to review this. These buffers are all on-stack buffers and contain different types of data: IVs / nonces, temporary copies of blocks of cipher or plain text, key schedules, and hash results. The current patch takes the approach of trying to zero all of the things I could find in cryptosoft, aesni, and ccr. However, if some of these data types aren't really sensitive I'm happy to pare down the number of explicit zeroes.

Looks good to me (there are a few minor nits or optional alternative proposals)

819 ↗(On Diff #72431)

GOOD: iv and tag were properly zeroed here, no exit after their first taint with data.

849 ↗(On Diff #72431)

[OPTIONAL] Personally I'd probably just copy key to hmac_key and pad the remaining cells with 0's, and do a full sized ^ HMAC_IPAD_VAL, but that's just a personal taste and I'm fine if this is kept as-is as long as keylen is guaranteed to be <= sizeof(hmac_key) which appear to be checked in aesni_authprepare() if I followed the code correctly.

874 ↗(On Diff #72431)

GOOD: hmac_key is only used in this block and the cleanse was done correctly. I'd probably define the variable in this if block to make it clear.

898 ↗(On Diff #72431)

GOOD: res2 is only used in this block and the cleanse was done correctly. I'd probably move the definition into this block to make that clear.

901 ↗(On Diff #72431)

GOOD: no exit point after res gets taineted and cleanse here is correct.

754 ↗(On Diff #72431)

GOOD: tainted in line 675 and no exit point befor this cleanse.

1073 ↗(On Diff #72431)

GOOD: tainted in line 975 and no other exit point before cleansed here.

1356 ↗(On Diff #72431)

GOOD: tainted in line 1275 and no exit point before cleansed here.

1501 ↗(On Diff #72431)

GOOD: defined locally, tainted in line 1482 and no exit point before cleanse.

1509 ↗(On Diff #72431)

GOOD: no exit points prior to this point for all 3 variables.

1824 ↗(On Diff #72431)

GOOD: tainted in line 1731 and no exit points.

1964 ↗(On Diff #72431)

GOOD: local variable cleansed at end of scope and no exit point.

1972 ↗(On Diff #72431)

GOOD: no exit point before cleansing.

78 ↗(On Diff #72431)


173 ↗(On Diff #72431)


280 ↗(On Diff #72431)

GOOD: tainted in line 182 and no exit before cleanse.

281 ↗(On Diff #72431)

GOOD: tainted in line 142 and cleansed without exit.

282 ↗(On Diff #72431)

GOOD: First potential taint in line 216 and no exit before cleanse.

392 ↗(On Diff #72431)

GOOD: note that uaalg should probably be defined in this if block to make it clear that it only needs to get cleansed here.

397 ↗(On Diff #72431)

GOOD: First potential taint in line 362 and properly cleansed here with no exit before.

454 ↗(On Diff #72431)

GOOD: note that uaalg should probably be defined in this if block to make it clear that it only needs to get cleansed here.

459 ↗(On Diff #72431)

GOOD: First possible taint in line 434 and no exit prior to this.

460 ↗(On Diff #72431)

GOOD: First possible taint in line 446 and no exit prior to this.

461 ↗(On Diff #72431)

GOOD: First possible taint in line 429 and no exit prior to this.

555 ↗(On Diff #72431)

GOOD: note that uaalg should probably be defined in this if block to make it clear that it only needs to get cleansed here.

580 ↗(On Diff #72431)

GOOD: First possible taint in line 508 and no exit prior to this.

581 ↗(On Diff #72431)

GOOD: First possible taint in line 546 and no exit prior to this.

582 ↗(On Diff #72431)

GOOD: First possible taint in line 498 and no exit prior to this.

637 ↗(On Diff #72431)

GOOD: note that uaalg should probably be defined in this if block to make it clear that it only needs to get cleansed here.

657 ↗(On Diff #72431)

GOOD: ctx are cleansed by Final methods.

771 ↗(On Diff #72431)

GOOD: tainted in line 697 and no return here.

772 ↗(On Diff #72431)

GOOD: tainted in line 712 and cleansed here without exit.

773 ↗(On Diff #72431)

GOOD: tainted in line 680 and no return here.

This revision is now accepted and ready to land.May 30 2020, 4:40 AM
849 ↗(On Diff #72431)

Most other drivers now use a single function to generate the partial hash context which does exactly this (sys/opencrypto/crypto.c: hmac_init_pad()). The key length is checked and should be short enough, yes.

898 ↗(On Diff #72431)

style(9) discourages moving the declarations into blocks, but I think in this case it might be a compelling reason to do so.