- Make use of cursors to avoid data copies for AES-CCM and AES-GCM.
Pass pointers into the request's input and/or output buffers directly to the Update, encrypt, and decrypt hooks rather than always copying all data into a temporary block buffer on the stack.
- Use encrypt/decrypt_last for partial blocks which avoids a memset to clear the rest of the block on the stack.
- Shrink the on-stack buffers to assume AES block sizes and CCM/GCM tag lengths.
- For AAD data, pass larger chunks to axf->Update. CCM can take each AAD segment in a single call. GMAC can take multiple blocks at a time.
I think this is a bug. If we have a socket, then the source address should be based on the socket's FIB, not the interface's. Socket FIBs default to the FIB of the process, but can be manually changed.