Signals are only reported for user traps, so T_USER is redundant. It
is also a software convention and not included in the value reported
by the hardware.
- Reviewers
brooks kib - Commits
- rS363613: Don't include T_USER in si_trapno reported to userland.
- some tests in CheriBSD test the value of si_trapno for some tests and I updated them to remove T_USER after this change
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- Lint
Lint Skipped - Unit
Tests Skipped - Build Status
Buildable 32480 Build 29956: arc lint + arc unit
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Yes, but I think it's more readable. If anything, I would be tempted to remove all the T_USER stuff and instead add a few more if (usermode) checks in the bodies of some of the cases. I'm not super motivated to rewrite all that though.