- Explicitly set all the toolchain <foo>_FOR_TARGET variables. GCC's default guess for CC, etc. happened to work with the powerpc64-gcc port, but fails when the binaries have a suffix like the '6' suffix in freebsd-gcc6. Setting these variables explicitly keeps GCC's build from having to guess.
- Pull patches from freebsd6-gcc instead of powerpc64-gcc.
- Use per-arch plists.
- Simplify the post-install steps to keep the hard links the normal install performs and avoid renaming binaries. Keep links to 'cc' and 'c++'.
- Reviewers
bapt - Commits
- rP520538: Update base/gcc to work with devel/freebsd-gcc6.
- built base/gcc for amd64 (native), i386 and mips (using freebsd6-gcc via CROSS_TOOLCHAIN)
Diff Detail
- Repository
- rP FreeBSD ports repository
- Lint
Lint Not Applicable - Unit
Tests Not Applicable
indentation issue?