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Use makefs -t msdos in make_esp_file

Authored by freqlabs on Aug 23 2019, 8:25 PM.
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Sat, Mar 22, 1:34 AM
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Thu, Mar 20, 1:58 PM
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Sun, Mar 9, 12:34 AM
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Thu, Mar 6, 1:14 PM
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Tue, Mar 4, 9:58 PM
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Tue, Mar 4, 3:49 PM
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Fri, Feb 28, 5:39 PM
Unknown Object (File)
Fri, Feb 28, 5:36 PM



With this last piece in place, make -C /usr/src/release release.iso is finally able to run in a jail. This was not possible before because msdosfs cannot be mounted inside a jail.

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Diff Detail

rS FreeBSD src repository - subversion
Lint Skipped
Tests Skipped

Event Timeline

This looks good to me.

This revision is now accepted and ready to land.Aug 23 2019, 10:11 PM
emaste added a reviewer: releng.

LGTM but releng should review

gjb added a subscriber: gjb.

Looks reasonable to me.

This revision was automatically updated to reflect the committed changes.

I tried to build SVN head (r353191) today on 12.0-RELEASE-p10 amd64 and I am getting an error when trying to build CDs:

$ sudo env MAKEOBJDIRPREFIX=/build/obj/freebsd make -C release cdrom
sh /usr/home/saper/src/freebsd/release/amd64/ -b 13_0_CURRENT_amd64_CD disc1.iso disc1 
makefs: Unknown fs type `msdosfs'.

Apparently /usr/sbin/makefs is being used that does not know msdosfs yet.

How to fix it?

How to fix it?

The easiest temporary workaround is probably to modify tools/boot/ so that it invokes the makefs from the build:

-    makefs -t msdos \
+    $(dirname ${loader})/../usr/sbin/makefs -t msdos \

Or as another option you could revert this commit locally.

I saw the makefs changes MFC'd so I imagine this should not be a problem on 12.1, when that comes around.

Thanks, yes, reverting it locally fixed that for me. Shouldn't makefs become part of the bootstrap tools then? Requiring 12.1 is a bit tight...

makefs become part of the bootstrap tools

That is an excellent idea, I can look into it if there are no volunteers who know how to do that already.