With this last piece in place, make -C /usr/src/release release.iso is finally able to run in a jail. This was not possible before because msdosfs cannot be mounted inside a jail.
Sponsored by: iXsystems, Inc.
| Differential D21385 Authored by freqlabs on Aug 23 2019, 8:25 PM.
Summary With this last piece in place, make -C /usr/src/release release.iso is finally able to run in a jail. This was not possible before because msdosfs cannot be mounted inside a jail. Sponsored by: iXsystems, Inc.
Diff Detail
Event TimelineHerald added a subscriber: imp. · View Herald TranscriptAug 23 2019, 8:25 PM2019-08-23 20:25:09 (UTC+0) This revision is now accepted and ready to land.Aug 23 2019, 10:11 PM2019-08-23 22:11:21 (UTC+0) Closed by commit rS351771: Use makefs -t msdos in make_esp_file (authored by mmacy). · Explain WhySep 3 2019, 6:38 PM2019-09-03 18:38:07 (UTC+0) This revision was automatically updated to reflect the committed changes. saper_saper.info added a subscriber: saper_saper.info.Oct 8 2019, 8:05 PM2019-10-08 20:05:26 (UTC+0) Comment ActionsI tried to build SVN head (r353191) today on 12.0-RELEASE-p10 amd64 and I am getting an error when trying to build CDs: ` $ sudo env MAKEOBJDIRPREFIX=/build/obj/freebsd make -C release cdrom sh /usr/home/saper/src/freebsd/release/amd64/mkisoimages.sh -b 13_0_CURRENT_amd64_CD disc1.iso disc1 makefs: Unknown fs type `msdosfs'. ` Apparently /usr/sbin/makefs is being used that does not know msdosfs yet. How to fix it? Comment Actions
The easiest temporary workaround is probably to modify tools/boot/install-boot.sh so that it invokes the makefs from the build: - makefs -t msdos \ + $(dirname ${loader})/../usr/sbin/makefs -t msdos \ Or as another option you could revert this commit locally. I saw the makefs changes MFC'd so I imagine this should not be a problem on 12.1, when that comes around. Comment Actions Thanks, yes, reverting it locally fixed that for me. Shouldn't makefs become part of the bootstrap tools then? Requiring 12.1 is a bit tight... Comment Actions
That is an excellent idea, I can look into it if there are no volunteers who know how to do that already.
Revision Contents
Diff 61159 release/amd64/mkisoimages.sh
Reminder (if needed) to bump on commit.