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ARM : Keep boot parameters in trampoline code

Authored by on Aug 2 2016, 1:28 PM.
Referenced Files
Unknown Object (File)
Sun, Feb 23, 8:43 AM
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Sat, Feb 22, 4:11 PM
Unknown Object (File)
Sat, Feb 22, 6:04 AM
Unknown Object (File)
Sat, Feb 22, 5:44 AM
Unknown Object (File)
Sat, Feb 22, 2:21 AM
Unknown Object (File)
Tue, Feb 11, 10:45 PM
Unknown Object (File)
Fri, Feb 7, 4:04 AM
Unknown Object (File)
Jan 30 2025, 6:21 PM



Currently boot parameters (r0 - r3) are forgotten in ARM trampoline code. This patch save them at startup and restore them before jumping into kernel _start() routine.

Diff Detail

rS FreeBSD src repository - subversion
Lint Not Applicable
Tests Not Applicable

Event Timeline retitled this revision from to ARM : Keep boot parameters in trampoline code. updated this object. edited the test plan for this revision. (Show Details) added a reviewer: bapt. set the repository for this revision to rS FreeBSD src repository - subversion. added a project: ARM.
bapt edited reviewers, added: ARM; removed: bapt.Aug 2 2016, 1:42 PM

It looks good, can you regenerate the diff as now it doesn't apply cleany ?

Seems reasonable to me. I added code to do this in the normal kernel, but not in the tramp code because I didn't need it. Not sure your boot environment, but it certainly doesn't hurt anything and may help.

In D7395#156870, @imp wrote:

Seems reasonable to me. I added code to do this in the normal kernel, but not in the tramp code because I didn't need it. Not sure your boot environment, but it certainly doesn't hurt anything and may help.

It's a custom bootloader with Linux boot ABI.

manu added a reviewer: manu.
This revision is now accepted and ready to land.Aug 18 2016, 11:10 AM
imp added a reviewer: imp.
This revision was automatically updated to reflect the committed changes.