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freebsd-update add -4
Needs ReviewPublic

Authored by sjg on Sat, Mar 1, 4:49 PM.



Allow passing -4 to fetch(1).
IP6 addresses exist for but may not be as reliable
as IP4.

Diff Detail

rG FreeBSD src repository
Lint Passed
No Test Coverage
Build Status
Buildable 62711
Build 59595: arc lint + arc unit

Event Timeline

sjg requested review of this revision.Sat, Mar 1, 4:49 PM

FYI I run freebsd-update cron on 1st of each month, this morning I noted that my home machine did not get the updates that the ones at work got.
I ran freebsd-update fetch which failed claiming there was no support for FreeBSD 14.1 amd64, using fetch -4 fixes this.

I don't know why, but I find from my home network that IPv6 is not as reliable as IPv4.

In D49193#1121912, @sjg wrote:

FYI I run freebsd-update cron on 1st of each month, this morning I noted that my home machine did not get the updates that the ones at work got.
I ran freebsd-update fetch which failed claiming there was no support for FreeBSD 14.1 amd64, using fetch -4 fixes this.

I don't know why, but I find from my home network that IPv6 is not as reliable as IPv4.

That sounds like a broken mirror -- they should all have amd64 bits for 14.1. Can you reproduce and tell me which mirror you hit?

In D49193#1121912, @sjg wrote:

FYI I run freebsd-update cron on 1st of each month, this morning I noted that my home machine did not get the updates that the ones at work got.
I ran freebsd-update fetch which failed claiming there was no support for FreeBSD 14.1 amd64, using fetch -4 fixes this.

I don't know why, but I find from my home network that IPv6 is not as reliable as IPv4.

That sounds like a broken mirror -- they should all have amd64 bits for 14.1. Can you reproduce and tell me which mirror you hit?

Actually I believe it is an IPv6 issue, possibly at my ISP, it is at times very flakey.