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pf (tests): Set cleared time when zeroing stats for table addresses

Authored by on Dec 29 2024, 11:19 AM.
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Sat, Mar 8, 12:15 AM
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Sun, Mar 2, 5:00 PM
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Sat, Feb 22, 2:37 PM
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Mon, Feb 17, 8:55 PM
Unknown Object (File)
Thu, Feb 13, 12:32 AM
Unknown Object (File)
Feb 8 2025, 1:26 AM
Unknown Object (File)
Feb 6 2025, 12:25 AM
Unknown Object (File)
Jan 29 2025, 12:30 PM

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rG FreeBSD src repository
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I assume you're not entirely serious about the 'Sponsored by:' line?
I'm happy to credit any organisation for your work, but um .. it raises questions?


I'd avoid having functions specific to one jail name (even if I do tend to default to 'alcatraz').
So I'd call this something like 'pft_cleared_ctime' and pass the jail name as an argument.


Does this work if TZ != UTC?

We may want to just set TZ=UTC for this date invocation.


It's unclear to me why we're removing these lines. We now seem to be looking for both TABLE_STATS_NONZERO and TABLE_STATS_ZERO matches in the same output.

I assume you're not entirely serious about the 'Sponsored by:' line?

Both "yes" and "no". The story behind that line is a crypto-bro donating me $10k of some laundered bitcoins to support my work on various areas of policy-based routing solutions & censorship circumvention tooling helping Russian users. I don't know the full story here, but they called themselves that way.

So, no, I'm not entirely serious as in: I don't demand Sponsored by: tag.

On the other hand, I'm serious as in: if it's required by FreeBSD community (e.g. for transparency reasons), that's the quasi-correct value for it.




Yes, it works correctly. My test-box has Europe/Moscow timezone.

ctime() in pfctl uses current TZ and date uses current TZ as well.

The comment is just a reminder that the used timezone is TZ.


It's just saving fork/exec and/or minor copy-pasta cleanup.

Both commands test output of jexec alcatraz pfctl -t foo -T show -vv, so they can be combined into one atf_check call.

Am I missing something?

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