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freebsd-update: refuse to operate on a pkgbase system

Authored by emaste on Oct 30 2024, 5:43 PM.
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Mon, Feb 10, 1:46 AM



FreeBSD-update is not compatible with packaged base.

PR: 282252

NOTE: patch is currently an untested draft

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emaste created this revision.

Maybe it's OK to leave freebsd-update fetch and freebsd-update cron in place in a pkgbase context?


Does -c do the right thing here, to use the the pkg database under $BASEDIR? freebsd-update sets BASEDIR for both -j and -b options.

This revision is now accepted and ready to land.Oct 30 2024, 6:09 PM

Tried an ad-hoc test, populating enough of a directory tree that pkg info works, and -c is indeed sufficient.

In addition to /var/db/pkg contents we need /etc/pwd.db, /etc/pkg/FreeBSD.conf, /usr/bin/uname.


This won't quite work on CheriBSD since there the package prefix is CheriBSD, but I doubt that'll be much of an issue in practice.

It would be nice to have a better way to check for pkgbase systems though.

What happens if you run this on a system where pkg hasn't been bootstrapped?


/usr/sbin/pkg doesn't support -q and we get:

pkg: illegal option -- q
pkg: Invalid argument provided

We could check for $BASEDIR/var/db/pkg/local.sqlite and then for /usr/local/sbin/pkg and either of those don't exist assume we're not in a pkgbase config. That will still fail if pkg is not bootstrapped on the host but a jail is being managed by pkgbase.

try to handle the case where pkg isn't bootstrapped

This revision now requires review to proceed.Oct 30 2024, 7:58 PM

I think this is ok. We might want a chicken switch to allow the user to override this, but we can add it later.

This revision is now accepted and ready to land.Oct 30 2024, 8:02 PM

We could make the expression `pkg info -q -x '^FreeBSD|^CheriBSD'. Ideally though we'd have some way to detect pkgbase independent of the package names so that any other downstream derivative can use their own package name prefix.

We might want a chicken switch to allow the user to override this, but we can add it later.

Good point, something like an awkward env var could do the trick (FREEBSD_UPDATE_IGNORE_PKGBASE_CHECK). I anticipate there will be some iteration here, anyway. I anticipate this won't be MFC'd in the near future (if at all).

I don't particularly like what I've come up with, but hope to provide a few pragmatic safety belts to avoid unfortunate situations. There's work in progress on pkgbase support in the installer, and I hope that we can have a canonical script/tool to migrate to pkgbase as well. I'd like to encourage wider testing and want to have something in place before then.

emaste added a reviewer: cperciva.
emaste added a subscriber: cperciva.

Better comments, let @cperciva take a look

This revision now requires review to proceed.Oct 30 2024, 9:03 PM

Just a minor observation.


/var/db/pkg is the default PKG_DBDIR, which could have been overridden?


use pkg -N to check if pkg is boostrapped.

Upload the right diff this time

This revision is now accepted and ready to land.Oct 31 2024, 6:29 PM