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cxgbe: Compute timestamps via sbintime_t.

Authored by jhb on Sep 21 2022, 11:36 PM.
Referenced Files
Unknown Object (File)
Wed, Feb 26, 12:03 PM
Unknown Object (File)
Fri, Feb 14, 9:25 PM
Unknown Object (File)
Jan 31 2025, 7:18 AM
Unknown Object (File)
Nov 15 2024, 7:15 PM
Unknown Object (File)
Nov 13 2024, 7:13 AM
Unknown Object (File)
Sep 26 2024, 1:19 AM
Unknown Object (File)
Sep 20 2024, 2:54 AM
Unknown Object (File)
Sep 19 2024, 11:57 PM



This uses fixed-point math already used elsewhere in the kernel for
sub-second time values. To avoid overflows this does require updating
the calibration once a second rather than once every 30 seconds.
Note that the cxgbe driver already queries multiple registers once a
second for the statistics timers. Also, this version uses 15
instructions with no branches in the per-packet fast path vs 44
instructions with approximately 5 branches in the previous version.

Diff Detail

rG FreeBSD src repository
Lint Not Applicable
Tests Not Applicable

Event Timeline

jhb requested review of this revision.Sep 21 2022, 11:36 PM

I ran both versions side by side in the same driver (both versions compiled in) and the timestamps were never off by more than 2 nanoseconds from each other. For reference, a disassembly of the previous version starting after the loop to fetch the values up to the store of the timestamp in the mbuf:

0x000000000004d119 <+1561>:  imul   $0x3e8,0x740(%r12),%r8d
0x000000000004d125 <+1573>:  sub    %rsi,%rax
0x000000000004d128 <+1576>:  mov    %rax,%rdx
0x000000000004d12b <+1579>:  shr    $0x20,%rdx
0x000000000004d12f <+1583>:  je     0x4d146 <service_iq_fl+1606>
0x000000000004d131 <+1585>:  xor    %edx,%edx
0x000000000004d133 <+1587>:  div    %r8
0x000000000004d136 <+1590>:  jmp    0x4d14b <service_iq_fl+1611>
0x000000000004d138 <+1592>:  movq   $0x0,0x48(%r15)
0x000000000004d140 <+1600>:  mov    -0x50(%rbp),%rdi
0x000000000004d144 <+1604>:  jmp    0x4d1b4 <service_iq_fl+1716>
0x000000000004d146 <+1606>:  xor    %edx,%edx
0x000000000004d148 <+1608>:  div    %r8d
0x000000000004d14b <+1611>:  sub    %rdi,%rcx
0x000000000004d14e <+1614>:  imul   %rcx,%rax
0x000000000004d152 <+1618>:  imul   %rdx,%rcx
0x000000000004d156 <+1622>:  sub    %rsi,%r11
0x000000000004d159 <+1625>:  mov    %rax,%rdx
0x000000000004d15c <+1628>:  or     %r11,%rdx
0x000000000004d15f <+1631>:  shr    $0x20,%rdx
0x000000000004d163 <+1635>:  je     0x4d16f <service_iq_fl+1647>
0x000000000004d165 <+1637>:  xor    %edx,%edx
0x000000000004d167 <+1639>:  div    %r11
0x000000000004d16a <+1642>:  mov    %rax,%r9
0x000000000004d16d <+1645>:  jmp    0x4d177 <service_iq_fl+1655>
0x000000000004d16f <+1647>:  xor    %edx,%edx
0x000000000004d171 <+1649>:  div    %r11d
0x000000000004d174 <+1652>:  mov    %eax,%r9d
0x000000000004d177 <+1655>:  imul   %r8,%rdx
0x000000000004d17b <+1659>:  add    %rcx,%rdx
0x000000000004d17e <+1662>:  mov    %rdx,%rax
0x000000000004d181 <+1665>:  or     %r11,%rax
0x000000000004d184 <+1668>:  shr    $0x20,%rax
0x000000000004d188 <+1672>:  je     0x4d194 <service_iq_fl+1684>
0x000000000004d18a <+1674>:  mov    %rdx,%rax
0x000000000004d18d <+1677>:  xor    %edx,%edx
0x000000000004d18f <+1679>:  div    %r11
0x000000000004d192 <+1682>:  jmp    0x4d19b <service_iq_fl+1691>
0x000000000004d194 <+1684>:  mov    %edx,%eax
0x000000000004d196 <+1686>:  xor    %edx,%edx
0x000000000004d198 <+1688>:  div    %r11d
0x000000000004d19b <+1691>:  imul   %r8,%r9
0x000000000004d19f <+1695>:  add    %rdi,%rax
0x000000000004d1a2 <+1698>:  add    %r9,%rax
0x000000000004d1a5 <+1701>:  mov    %rax,0x48(%r15)

and this version:

0x000000000004c6f9 <+1529>:  sub    %rbx,%r9
0x000000000004c6fc <+1532>:  sub    %rsi,%rax
0x000000000004c6ff <+1535>:  imul   %r9,%rax
0x000000000004c703 <+1539>:  sub    %rbx,%rdi
0x000000000004c706 <+1542>:  xor    %edx,%edx
0x000000000004c708 <+1544>:  div    %rdi
0x000000000004c70b <+1547>:  add    %rsi,%rax
0x000000000004c70e <+1550>:  mov    %eax,%ecx
0x000000000004c710 <+1552>:  shr    $0x20,%rax
0x000000000004c714 <+1556>:  imul   $0x3b9aca00,%rax,%rdx
0x000000000004c71b <+1563>:  test   %rax,%rax
0x000000000004c71e <+1566>:  cmove  %rax,%rdx
0x000000000004c722 <+1570>:  imul   $0x3b9aca00,%rcx,%rax
0x000000000004c729 <+1577>:  shr    $0x20,%rax
0x000000000004c72d <+1581>:  add    %rdx,%rax
0x000000000004c730 <+1584>:  mov    %rax,0x48(%r15)
This revision is now accepted and ready to land.Sep 21 2022, 11:44 PM

BTW, I find this management of the generation a bit odd. It means there is a window where you will not do timestamps since all structures have gen == 0. The timehands structures used for nanouptime(), etc. do not do this, instead they just permit reading the previous entry if the writes to update the equivalent of sc->cal_current isn't visible yet.

Also, a more typical way to handle updating a structure like this is to or 1 into the generation count while a structure is being modified and then increment it back up to the next even value after the structure update is done. <sys/seqc.h> has an API to do this (documented in secq(9)).

This revision was automatically updated to reflect the committed changes.