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handbook/x11: Suggest kld_list with nvidia-modesetting
Changes PlannedPublic

Authored by debdrup on Feb 8 2021, 11:00 PM.
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Wed, Feb 26, 8:49 AM
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Tue, Feb 4, 12:34 AM
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Jan 29 2025, 8:03 AM
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Jan 28 2025, 3:46 PM
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Jan 14 2025, 9:45 AM
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Jan 13 2025, 4:19 AM


Group Reviewers

Since the previous instructions could lead to people having to blacklist
the nvidia module from loader in case it breaks something, switch to
using kld_list in /etc/rc.conf instead.

While here, also suggest using nvidia-modesetting, as this hooks into
the KMS bits in the kernel, which are present in all supported branches.

Reported by: Simon Adameit <simon at>

Diff Detail

R9 FreeBSD doc repository
No Lint Coverage
No Test Coverage
Build Status
Buildable 36819
Build 33708: arc lint + arc unit

Event Timeline

debdrup created this revision.

Grammar and spelling look fine to me at a glance.

This revision is now accepted and ready to land.Feb 9 2021, 12:09 AM

Sorry, I meant to tag this planning changes earlier.

It turns out the X11 chapter can be redone, since Xorg auto-configuration can take care of almost everything if you use kld_list and drm-kmod modules or nvidia-modeset from graphics/drm-kmod and x11/nvidia-driver respectively.

We'll need a short section on BusID which I'll add later on, for if people have hybrid setups like an iGPU and dGPU equipped laptop.

Keen to see some version of this committed, as the current instructions left my laptop unbootable.
Am testing the rest of this.

@debdrup I think we can close this, right?
It's fixed in the last version of the chapter.