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pf: Fix TSO issues

Authored by kp on Oct 2 2015, 10:05 AM.
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Thu, Mar 6, 7:08 PM
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Wed, Mar 5, 1:55 AM
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Mon, Mar 3, 11:13 AM
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Mon, Mar 3, 11:01 AM
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Mon, Mar 3, 10:45 AM
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Mon, Mar 3, 6:48 AM


Group Reviewers
rS289316: pf: Fix TSO issues

In certain configurations (mostly but not exclusively as a VM on Xen) pf
produced packets with an invalid TCP checksum.

The problem was that pf could only handle packets with a full checksum. The
FreeBSD IP stack produces TCP packets with a pseudo-header checksum (only
addresses, length and protocol).
Certain network interfaces expect to see the pseudo-header checksum, so they end
up producing packets with invalid checksums.

To fix this stop calculating the full checksum and teach pf to only update TCP
checksums if TSO is disabled or the change affects the pseudo-header checksum.

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Diff Detail

rS FreeBSD src repository - subversion
Lint Skipped
Tests Skipped

Event Timeline

kp retitled this revision from to pf: Fix TSO issues.
kp updated this object.
kp edited the test plan for this revision. (Show Details)
kp set the repository for this revision to rS FreeBSD src repository - subversion.
  • Fixed style issues
  • Fixed AF_INET6 case in pf_change_ap()

This appears to break the ability to use PF with jails on lo(4). I have rxcsum and txcsum disabled to allow this to work, but enabling these features does not help or fix the failure to start the jails. I use the following with ezjail to have multiple jails on a single IP in a RootBSD VM:

cloned_interfaces="lo1 lo2 lo3 lo4 lo5 lo6 lo7"


redir_if = "lo2"
redirnet = $redir_if:network

mail_if = "lo3"
mailnet = $mail_if:network

gallery_if = "lo4"
gallerynet = $gallery_if:network

shout_if = "lo5"
shoutnet = $shout_if:network


Please petition for an EN after this makes it to stable/10!

Thank you for working on this!

The easiest way to do this is check if you have an inp and check that the proto is TCP from that and skip cksum update.
Otherwise you will end up with complex code as this which is easier to understand and maintain.
It certainly is not documented properly but this makes it even more.

To me just a s/pf_cksum_fixup/PF_CKSUM_FIXUP/ and inp != NULL ? cksum : pf_cksum_fixup()

TSO applies only to local generated packets since forwarded packets will never hit it.

In D3779#78074, @eri wrote:

The easiest way to do this is check if you have an inp and check that the proto is TCP from that and skip cksum update.

I'm not sure I understand your point.

The checksum update has to be done whenever we don't have a pseudo-header checksum (so no TSO, e.g. on inbound or forwarded packets), so we can't just say that we don't update TCP checksums.
Even worse, sometimes (like when we're changing a source or destination IP address) we do need to update the TCP checksum, even in the TSO case.

kp edited edge metadata.

Fix the updating the pseudo-header checksum.

In D3779#78057, @sbruno wrote:

This appears to break the ability to use PF with jails on lo(4). I have rxcsum and txcsum disabled to allow this to work, but enabling these features does not help or fix the failure to start the jails.

Thanks for testing. I've managed to reproduce the problem. This version fixes it for me. Can you give this one a try?

sbruno requested changes to this revision.Oct 9 2015, 2:41 PM
sbruno added a reviewer: sbruno.

I didn't see any changes to my failure case. The first loX interface seems to come up and is useable by one of my jails, but the other 4 jails and interfaces fail to work correctly.

This revision now requires changes to proceed.Oct 9 2015, 2:41 PM
kp edited edge metadata.

Fix UDP. It turns out that people actually use that from time to time!

kp edited edge metadata.

No functional change.

Added a comment block explaining the checksum policy

Retested this morning in my RootBSD VM. I have enabled TSO and CheckSumming Support and all jails are up and running. I think this is working as you intend now! :-)

sbruno edited edge metadata.
This revision is now accepted and ready to land.Oct 13 2015, 5:41 PM

Hurray! I intend to commit this tomorrow evening (so in ~24 hours).

This revision was automatically updated to reflect the committed changes.