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gpiokeys: first take at evdev support

Authored by avg on Aug 4 2020, 6:27 AM.
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First take at evdev support.
Only linux,code is supported. No reverse mapping for freebsd,code yet.

Diff Detail

rS FreeBSD src repository - subversion
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Tests Not Applicable

Event Timeline

avg requested review of this revision.Aug 4 2020, 6:27 AM

I'm not too familiar with evdev but will that create just one /dev/input/ for each gpio-keys compatible node or one per child node ?

Good point!
The current code creates a device per each button, that is, a child node.

I tested this on an a board with only a single button, so it did not make any difference for me.

In D25940#574828, @avg wrote:

Good point!
The current code creates a device per each button, that is, a child node.

I tested this on an a board with only a single button, so it did not make any difference for me.

I don't know what linux does but I think that we should have one device per gpio-keys node, will all button registered as a key there.
I think that's this is the only way we should create two devices, having two nodes.
So the driver should evdev_alloc once and register the keys.

189 ↗(On Diff #75340)

evdev_rcpt_mask global variable should be checked here for EVDEV_RCPT_HW_KBD bit set. Or events will be duplicated if kbdmux evdev is enabled.

237 ↗(On Diff #75340)

As driver has internal support for autorepeats, it is good to map evdev typematics ioctl to kbd ones. See evdev_set_methods() usage in e.g. kbdmux.c

281 ↗(On Diff #75340)

INPUT_PROP_DIRECT is not applicable here. It means that device reported coordinates can be directly mapped to display surface. I.e. device is touchscreen.

346 ↗(On Diff #75340)

only evdev_support_key() should be left here. Other parts gpiokeys_evdev_register_key() belongs gpiokeys_attach() to not create evdev foreach button as @manu has stated.

413 ↗(On Diff #75340)

evdev_free() must be used in gpiokeys_detach(). evdev_unregister() destroys cdev only.

Thank you all for the reviews and suggestions.

189 ↗(On Diff #75340)

Will do!

237 ↗(On Diff #75340)

I am very new to keyboards and evdev, so I am not sure what that does and how to do it properly in gpiokeys.
I'll probably leave that for a future improvement.

By the way, it seems that most / real keyboards have global autorepeat settings.
But for gpio-keys it's possible to specify autorepeat settings for each individual "key" (input).
Not sure if that would work well with evdev.

Also, I am confused by the fact that gpiokeys now has some per-key autorepeat handling (based on parameters in FDT) and also supports keyboard ioctl-s that set kb_delay1 / kb_delay2 variables.
Maybe @gonzo can help to understand how that works.

281 ↗(On Diff #75340)


346 ↗(On Diff #75340)

Yes, I got it.

413 ↗(On Diff #75340)


address some of the comments

LGTM from evdev point of view

463 ↗(On Diff #75482)

Typically, Linux set sysfs path as phys property and we set result of device_get_nameunit(dev) to expose newbus device backing the evdev character device to userland.

237 ↗(On Diff #75340)

Indeed, autorepeat support looks incomplete. I see no visible connection between kb_delayN and repeat_delay variables.

This revision is now accepted and ready to land.Aug 6 2020, 10:56 PM
This revision was automatically updated to reflect the committed changes.