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Add and document DOLLAR variable to allow $ symbols while automounting Samba shares

Authored by crees on Jul 1 2016, 8:42 PM.
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Dec 2 2024, 1:56 PM



I've written a script for automounting Samba shares, but automountd chokes on the $ in some Samba shares. I can't find any workaround other than -DDOLLAR=\$ in automountd_flags (great idea to have that option!), but I think it would be handy to have anyway.

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rS FreeBSD src repository - subversion
Lint Not Applicable
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Event Timeline

crees retitled this revision from to Add and document DOLLAR variable to allow $ symbols while automounting Samba shares.
crees updated this object.
crees edited the test plan for this revision. (Show Details)
crees added a reviewer: trasz.

I'd prefer to just fix the code that's breaking it. It looks like it's a result of overzealous escaping somewhere...

In D7048#151670, @trasz wrote:

I'd prefer to just fix the code that's breaking it. It looks like it's a result of overzealous escaping somewhere...

It results from Samba hidden shares having a $ in, and from my casual reading of the code \$ is not escaped?

I agree that putting $ into a share name is annoying, but unfortunately it's been done for years!

The other solution would be to allow \$ as an escape.

Would you still prefer a different fix? I'm not quite sure how to work around this!

Hi. Sorry it took so long; I think the fix is ok. Thanks!

This revision is now accepted and ready to land.Dec 27 2018, 1:19 PM
bcr added a subscriber: bcr.

Don't forget to bump the .Dd at the beginning of the man page to today's date as this is a content change. Thanks!

This revision was automatically updated to reflect the committed changes.