Many bits of the framework check for PORT_OPTIONS:MDOCS, which is on even if
the option is not defined.
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portmgr - Commits
- rP479428: Do not enable options that do not exist.
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Almost all, some have DOCS options, but I think it's OK. I doubt anyone will miss the docs anyway.
Those that do not have a DOCS option, yes. Same for all ports that use PORTDOCS/PORTEXAMPLES or %%PORTDOCS%%/%%PORTEXAMPLES%%.
The "new" options framework was commited in rP297660 on May 29 2012, 161k commits ago. It is way past time to remove the "compat" layer for how it was before.
I'd only be ok with this after proof is posted that nothing is referring to ${PORT_OPTIONS:MDOCS} or <target>-DOCS-* without the _DOCS_ option in the list.
Well, people using the DOCS option without actually using it are doing it wrong, I am not sure we want to fix everyone's mess.
I have D13651 that somewhat takes it one step further and has a lot of OPTIONS_DEFINE=DOCS added.
- Add IPV6 option to ports using it but not defining it.
- Add NLS option to ports using it but not defining it.
- Do not enable options that do not exist.