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Do not strip crunched binary; it will be done by install

Authored by emaste on Mar 3 2015, 4:45 PM.
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Unknown Object (File)
Sun, Mar 2, 3:51 AM
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Feb 23 2025, 2:37 PM
Unknown Object (File)
Feb 19 2025, 10:49 PM
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Feb 18 2025, 5:53 AM
Unknown Object (File)
Jan 30 2025, 9:20 PM
Unknown Object (File)
Jan 19 2025, 7:37 AM
Unknown Object (File)
Nov 29 2024, 5:13 PM
Unknown Object (File)
Nov 26 2024, 7:53 AM



In cross-build cases it is possible we won't have a cross-strip during the the rescue build. Binaries are already stripped on install anyhow, so there is no need to strip during the build.

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Event Timeline

emaste retitled this revision from to Do not strip crunched binary; it will be done by install.
emaste updated this object.
emaste edited the test plan for this revision. (Show Details)
emaste added reviewers: andrew, imp.
emaste added a subscriber: Unknown Object (MLST).
imp edited edge metadata.

Looks good to me.

This revision is now accepted and ready to land.Mar 3 2015, 10:57 PM

How is install(1) executed? What controls "stripping" via install(1) is the STRIP make variable, so if I set that to null, won't that also avoid stripping crunched binaries? Is that expected?

In D2003#7, @rpaulo wrote:

How is install(1) executed? What controls "stripping" via install(1) is the STRIP make variable, so if I set that to null, won't that also avoid stripping crunched binaries? Is that expected?

Isn't it? If I set STRIP= to avoid stripping binaries, that should apply to the crunched binaries too, shouldn't it?

emaste added a reviewer: bdrewery.
emaste added a subscriber: adrian.

rebase after rS284356, rS285986

This revision now requires review to proceed.Sep 29 2016, 8:55 PM
adrian added a reviewer: adrian.
This revision is now accepted and ready to land.Sep 29 2016, 10:01 PM
This revision was automatically updated to reflect the committed changes.