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Fix printing out binary/UTF-8 characters in kyua 0.11 by backporting fix for issue # 136

Authored by ngie on Apr 6 2016, 5:19 AM.
Referenced Files
F111310037: D5851.id14951.diff
Sun, Mar 2, 4:22 AM
F111309567: D5851.id14913.diff
Sun, Mar 2, 4:14 AM
F111308146: D5851.id15020.diff
Sun, Mar 2, 3:48 AM
F111306025: D5851.diff
Sun, Mar 2, 3:08 AM
Unknown Object (File)
Thu, Feb 27, 4:41 AM
Unknown Object (File)
Jan 26 2025, 5:30 AM
Unknown Object (File)
Dec 29 2024, 11:23 PM
Unknown Object (File)
Dec 11 2024, 1:46 PM



Fix printing out binary/UTF-8 characters in kyua 0.11 by backporting fix for issue # 136

Backport the fix made by rodrigc in to
kyua 0.11 in order to fix kyua report-junit when executed with the FreeBSD test
suite as some of the testcases output binary or unicode data

Submitted by: rodrigc
Sponsored by: EMC / Isilon Storage Division

Test Plan
$ cd /usr/ports/devel/kyua; sudo make clean; sudo make reinstall
====> Compressing man pages (compress-man)
===>  Installing for kyua-0.11_1,3
===>   Registering installation for kyua-0.11_1,3
Installing kyua-0.11_1,3...
Using existing user 'tests'.
$ pkg info | grep kyua
kyua-0.11_1,3                  Testing framework for infrastructure software
$ (cd /usr/tests/local/kyua/; sudo kyua test)
utils/text/templates_test:templates_def__get_variable__ok  ->  passed  [0.007s]
utils/text/templates_test:templates_def__get_variable__unknown  ->  passed  [0.006s]
utils/text/templates_test:templates_def__get_vector__ok  ->  passed  [0.007s]
utils/text/templates_test:templates_def__get_vector__unknown  ->  passed  [0.006s]
utils/text/templates_test:templates_def__remove_variable  ->  passed  [0.007s]

Results file id is usr_local_tests_kyua.20160406-215207-780891
Results saved to /root/.kyua/store/results.usr_local_tests_kyua.20160406-215207-780891.db

1413/1413 passed (0 failed)
$ (cd /usr/tests/lib/libc/locale/; sudo sh -c 'kyua test; kyua report-junit > report-junit.xml')

Results file id is usr_tests_lib_libc_locale.20160406-215416-770383
Results saved to /root/.kyua/store/results.usr_tests_lib_libc_locale.20160406-215416-770383.db

42/42 passed (0 failed)
$ ls -l /usr/tests/lib/libc/locale/report-junit.xml
-rw-r--r--  1 root  wheel  72944 Apr  6 14:54 /usr/tests/lib/libc/locale/report-junit.xml
$ date
Wed Apr  6 14:54:53 PDT 2016
$ python -c "import xml.dom.minidom as md; md.parse('/usr/tests/lib/libc/locale/report-junit.xml')"; echo $?

Diff Detail

rP FreeBSD ports repository
No Lint Coverage
No Test Coverage
Build Status
Buildable 3142
Build 3175: arc lint + arc unit

Event Timeline

ngie retitled this revision from to Fix printing out binary/UTF-8 characters in kyua 0.11 by backporting fix for issue # 136.
ngie updated this object.
ngie edited the test plan for this revision. (Show Details)
ngie added a reviewer: jmmv.
ngie added subscribers: bdrewery, rodrigc.
ngie updated this object.

It is easier to slightly edit the patch to remove the git prefix (or generate it with --no-prefix) and simply drop the patch as patch-issue136 or something.


Hm? This change should bump the port revision, not the epoch.

In D5851#124917, @mat wrote:

It is easier to slightly edit the patch to remove the git prefix (or generate it with --no-prefix) and simply drop the patch as patch-issue136 or something.

Agreed. I'll do that (and remove the commit message from the patch..)


You're right. I'm going to set the PORTREVISION to 2 (to disambiguate this package from 0.11_1) and remove the PORTEPOCH change.

ngie marked 2 inline comments as done.Apr 6 2016, 9:10 PM
ngie updated this object.
  1. Remove git prefix metadata in the patch.
  2. Rename patch to standard naming scheme and remove from EXTRA_PATCHES
  3. Redo PORTEPOCH bump as PORTREVISION bump; set to 2 for continuity with previously released versions (in particular, 0.11_1,2)
In D5851#125137, @ngie wrote:
In D5851#124917, @mat wrote:

It is easier to slightly edit the patch to remove the git prefix (or generate it with --no-prefix) and simply drop the patch as patch-issue136 or something.

Agreed. I'll do that (and remove the commit message from the patch..)

Well, the commit message from the patch is a good thing, it shows where it's from, what it does, and all.

In D5851#125145, @mat wrote:
In D5851#125137, @ngie wrote:
In D5851#124917, @mat wrote:

It is easier to slightly edit the patch to remove the git prefix (or generate it with --no-prefix) and simply drop the patch as patch-issue136 or something.

Agreed. I'll do that (and remove the commit message from the patch..)

Well, the commit message from the patch is a good thing, it shows where it's from, what it does, and all.

This could be gleaned from the upstream issue though (and I added the URL for the issue in the patch).


No, the revision should be 1. The epoch is used to do the disambiguation, and the epoch was properly bumped when kyua was rolled back from 0.12 to 0.11.

ngie marked an inline comment as done.Apr 6 2016, 9:45 PM
ngie added inline comments.

Ok. I'll set it to 1. As long as the machine understands the numbering scheme, I guess it's ok (even if it's confusing for humans)...

ngie marked an inline comment as done.

Set PORTREVISION to 1; PORTEPOCH already disambiguates the complete
version number

Requested by: jmmv

ngie marked an inline comment as done.Apr 6 2016, 11:51 PM
rodrigc added a reviewer: rodrigc.

Thanks for fixing this.

This revision is now accepted and ready to land.Apr 7 2016, 9:41 PM

@jmmv : we need your maintainer approval to commit this, thanks.

jmmv edited edge metadata.
This revision was automatically updated to reflect the committed changes.