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ixl(4): Update to 1.7.12-k

Authored by erj on Jan 18 2017, 1:19 AM.
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Feb 9 2025, 2:54 PM
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Feb 3 2025, 8:42 PM
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Feb 3 2025, 6:21 PM
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Feb 3 2025, 8:23 AM
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Jan 25 2025, 9:53 PM
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Jan 23 2025, 4:04 AM



Refresh upstream driver before impending conversion to iflib. This should be replaced by an iflib-converted version in a few weeks (in D5214), with this version eventually getting MFC'd into stable/10.

Major new features:

  • Support for Fortville-based 25G adapters
  • Support for I2C reads/writes

(One note on the I2C functionality: Fortville currently doesn't support any way for software to synchronize accesses to the I2C bus with the firmware. So, to prevent getting or sending corrupt data, you should set dev.ixl.0.debug.disable_fw_link_management=1 when using I2C [this will disable link!], then set it to 0 when done. The driver implements the SIOCGI2C ioctl, so ifconfig -v works for reading I2C data, but there are read_i2c and write_i2c sysctls under the debug tree [the latter being useful for upper page support in QSFP+]).

  • Addition of an iWARP client interface (so the future iWARP driver for X722 devices can communicate with the base driver)
    • Compiling this option in is enabled by default, with "options IXL_IW" in GENERIC. I'm open to just stripping out the define and leaving the interface as always enabled, if adding that is too much.
Test Plan

I've tried compiling this with and without IXL_IW on amd64 with no errors.

Functional touch testing (on this patch) to be done by Jeff's team.

Diff Detail

Lint Passed
No Test Coverage
Build Status
Buildable 6846
Build 7049: arc lint + arc unit

Event Timeline

erj retitled this revision from to ixl(4): Update to 1.7.12-k.
erj updated this object.
erj edited the test plan for this revision. (Show Details)
erj added a reviewer: Intel Networking.
erj set the repository for this revision to rS FreeBSD src repository - subversion.
erj edited edge metadata.
erj updated this object.
erj updated this object.
sbruno added inline comments.

Is pci_iov_if.h no longer needed?


The VF driver never actually needed any PCI_IOV stuff. But actually the makefile is missing opt_ixl.h, so it won't build as a module. I'm about to fix that.

erj updated this object.

ixl(4) changes

  • Add opt_ixl.h to ixlv Makefile for build
  • Add comment describing IXL_IW to GENERIC config
  • Default to disabling the iWARP client interface by setting tunable to 0
sbruno added a reviewer: sbruno.


Commit it and lets see what else we can break today.

This revision is now accepted and ready to land.Jan 18 2017, 5:36 PM

I'm going to wait for Jeff's team to give the okay before I commit it. I don't want to break more than I have to. :v