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Forcibly disable MK_TESTS if building without C++

Authored by emaste on Aug 22 2016, 5:15 PM.
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Several atf components require C++, and the test suite is not usable if building WITHOUT_CXX.

Diff Detail

rS FreeBSD src repository - subversion
Lint Not Applicable
Tests Not Applicable

Event Timeline

emaste retitled this revision from to Forcibly disable MK_TESTS if building without C++.
emaste updated this object.
emaste edited the test plan for this revision. (Show Details)
emaste added reviewers: ngie, jmmv, bdrewery.
bdrewery edited edge metadata.

Don't forget makegen. I'd let ngie chime in first too.

This revision is now accepted and ready to land.Aug 22 2016, 5:18 PM
jmmv edited edge metadata.

Looks good, but it's unfortunate that this is the case.

If I recall correctly, we do not use atf-c++ for any tests in the tree, so the C++ dependency comes from atf-sh's interpreter. The interpreter is pretty simple so it should be relatively easy to rewrite it in C to cut down this dependency. Would you mind filing a feature request in the tracker for this? Thanks.


Not sure what you mean? I will regenerate src.conf.5 after check-in, of course.

If I recall correctly, we do not use atf-c++ for any tests in the tree, so the C++ dependency comes from atf-sh's interpreter.

I originally tried turning off individual parts of atf, and had to disable lib/atf/libatf-c++ and libexec/atf/{atf-check,atf-sh}. I will submit a feature request, and then disable it for now. I'm not sure how important it is to address this though, since we build with C++ by default, and need C++ for a few base system components.

For background I encountered this while trying to bootstrap lld (LLVM's linker) on FreeBSD/mips64, and lld does not currently cope with some wildcards in libstdc++'s linker script so I'm just trying to build without C++ to make progress on bringup.


Not sure what you mean? I will regenerate src.conf.5 after check-in, of course.

Sorry meant makeman. You understood.

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