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fix 10-STABLE build on 11-CURRENT after mklocale and colldef removal

Authored by op on Nov 20 2015, 8:42 PM.
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On a recently upgraded build server (today's 11-CURRENT) and when someone
try to build 10-STABLE will get the following error:

> gnu/lib/libgcc (all)

sh: colldef: not found

  • bg_BG.CP1251.out ---
  • [bg_BG.CP1251.out] Error code 127

make[4]: stopped in
1 error

To fix this issue add colldef and mklocale to bootstrap utils when building on 11-CURRENT (1100086<).

Obtained from: HardenedBSD

Diff Detail

rS FreeBSD src repository - subversion
Lint Skipped
Tests Skipped

Event Timeline

op retitled this revision from to fix 10-STABLE build on 11-CURRENT after recent locales changes.
op updated this object.
op edited the test plan for this revision. (Show Details)
op added reviewers: bapt, bdrewery.
op set the repository for this revision to rS FreeBSD src repository - subversion.

my opinion is I should bring back both colldef and mklocale it does not hurt to have those tools around unused, mark them as deprecated and remove them once 9 and 10 are EOL

done it would still nice to have colldef and mklocale being build tools for stable and 10.3 so when 9, 10.1 and 10.2 are EOL we can remove those tools from head

Is there any chance to get this patch into 10.3? As you have said, it would be nice to remove these programs from 11-CURRENT.

op retitled this revision from fix 10-STABLE build on 11-CURRENT after recent locales changes to fix 10-STABLE build on 11-CURRENT after mklocale and colldef removal .Jan 15 2016, 5:32 PM
op edited edge metadata.

I do think we should commit this to stable/10, despite being against the normal. It will prevent us having another situation of not being able to build the old release like we had with makeinfo, if we again remove mklocale from head.


Why not just remove the check entirely?
Just always build it and add a comment about why.
The < 9.x tests likely are stale and no longer work.

Is there any chance to get this or similar changes before the 10.3 released?

bapt edited edge metadata.

It has been fixed since

This revision is now accepted and ready to land.May 9 2016, 7:13 PM