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fwcontrol: Disable -Wzero-length-bounds warnings.

Authored by jhb on Nov 29 2022, 7:51 PM.
Referenced Files
Unknown Object (File)
Sun, Mar 9, 10:21 PM
Unknown Object (File)
Sun, Mar 9, 8:44 AM
Unknown Object (File)
Thu, Mar 6, 8:24 AM
Unknown Object (File)
Thu, Mar 6, 8:07 AM
Unknown Object (File)
Thu, Mar 6, 12:51 AM
Unknown Object (File)
Thu, Feb 27, 6:48 PM
Unknown Object (File)
Feb 5 2025, 4:20 AM
Unknown Object (File)
Feb 2 2025, 3:35 AM



firewire.h includes zero length arrays in unions that trigger this

Diff Detail

rG FreeBSD src repository
Lint Not Applicable
Tests Not Applicable

Event Timeline

jhb requested review of this revision.Nov 29 2022, 7:51 PM
jhb created this revision.

We likely should rework those, but firewire is on deck for retirement...

This revision is now accepted and ready to land.Nov 29 2022, 8:16 PM

Agree it doesn't make sense to spend effort on fixing firewire, it will just be retired in the future.

Agree it doesn't make sense to spend effort on fixing firewire, it will just be retired in the future.

The pattern also isn't easy to fix. I have slightly less kind words later in my patches when I get to the kernel where I have to disable this warning for the entire kernel due to the OFED and Mellanox drivers using zero length array members of structs as a horrible hack.