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handbook: Misc fixes to Introduction chapter

Authored by trasz on Jan 30 2022, 2:58 PM.
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Feb 1 2025, 7:58 AM
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Feb 1 2025, 7:46 AM
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Feb 1 2025, 7:46 AM
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Feb 1 2025, 4:43 AM
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Jan 26 2025, 10:12 AM
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Jan 10 2025, 7:42 AM
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Dec 26 2024, 6:21 PM



This improves wording in many places, adds links to {dev-model}
and {contributing}, and makes it more clear that we don't just
look for C developers. Most of those fixes were contributed by Pau.

Diff Detail

R9 FreeBSD doc repository
Lint Not Applicable
Tests Not Applicable

Event Timeline

trasz requested review of this revision.Jan 30 2022, 2:58 PM
This revision is now accepted and ready to land.Jan 30 2022, 6:07 PM added inline comments.

Is this still true as stated? ISTR Linux is now an option for some of their offer, in which case "is available with" would be more correct.


To make it more obvious it's the replacement that's thus designed, not the large enterprise routers. (If still not obvious enough, may move "designed to run on standard PC hardware" next to "replacement" and wrap it in ().


Or maybe "beautiful looks" instead. Your call.


To me, "on the lookout" means actively looking for them, instead of being willing and welcoming if they come on their own. Is that what you mean?

Also, if you (FSVO "you") want more documentors, mention that explicitely, with a parallel pointer to freebsd-doc@.


Same comment as above re documenters. Maybe also on the previous line.


Is there a macro for the "as of" date? Without an easy way for readers to know that as well, the stat is pointless IMO.


Since that URL is for all documents. (Also, perhaps make /en explicit instead of relying on the redirection, if only as a hint for translators to use their own language if they think enough is translated and current? Or do they already do that as a matter of course without needing the prompt?)


I think it is, the Linux one is called TrueNAS Scale, it's a separate product line.


I think "looks" sounds more... idiomatic?


Can we hold off with this (and a similar chunk below) for now? This whole section is written as if ports and documentation didn't exist, ie it's a larger change.


The number of ports doesn't change all that much though. How about now?

I've also split the part about packages into separate paragraph; I feel this reads better.


This sounds a bit weird to me, tbh. It's not like we have multiple copies of the Handbook there. Perhaps just "up to date documentation"?

Do you know if the redirection is always to "en", or does it depend on browser settings?

This revision now requires review to proceed.Feb 1 2022, 5:32 PM

Rebase (the mechanical change got committed) and reword
things a bit to make them bit less src-centric; point
at {contributing} instead.

I think this is ready to go now?

This revision is now accepted and ready to land.Feb 3 2022, 7:22 PM

Other than the few nits above, LGTM too.


Since you're touching this file: I would change "including routers, switches, security, and networking appliances" to either "including routers, switches, security appliances, and networking appliances" or maybe "including routers, switches, and security and networking appliances". But that's arguably my taste speaking.


I just checked with an English speaker more tuned to US culture than me, who confirms my impression that of "beautiful looks" and "a beautiful look", the former is more often used of a person (more often than not a woman) and the latter of an object (including a software UI). So on second thought, "a beautiful look" is the appropriate one here.


Sure. You're the one with the commit bit. :-)




This sounds a bit weird to me, tbh. It's not like we have multiple copies of the Handbook there. Perhaps just "up to date documentation"?


Do you know if the redirection is always to "en", or does it depend on browser settings?

I just moved French to the top of my Chromium languages list (English was there before), and still redirected me to, so I guess the former.

Few more nits - most from Pau, but there's also two grammar fixes
I've noticed.

This revision now requires review to proceed.Feb 14 2022, 12:33 PM
trasz retitled this revision from handbook: Prepend "link:" where applicable in introduction/ to handbook: Misc fixes to Introduction chapter.Feb 14 2022, 12:34 PM
trasz edited the summary of this revision. (Show Details)

I think this is ready to land now? So far as I can see everything's been addressed and a one-over didn't make anything else stand out.

This revision is now accepted and ready to land.Feb 14 2022, 5:17 PM

I think this is ready to land now? So far as I can see everything's been addressed and a one-over didn't make anything else stand out.

LGTM as well.

This revision was automatically updated to reflect the committed changes.