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patch(1): Add -Vnone option to disable backup files

Authored by cem on Jul 21 2015, 9:10 PM.
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Test Plan

Manually applied patches with -Vnone, observed that .orig files were not
spammed throughout my tree.

Diff Detail

rS FreeBSD src repository - subversion
Lint Not Applicable
Tests Not Applicable

Event Timeline

cem retitled this revision from to patch(1): Add -Vnone option to disable backup files.
cem updated this object.
cem edited the test plan for this revision. (Show Details)
cem added reviewers: markj, pfg.

Thank you.

FWIW, NetBSD added the same option 15 months ago:

Perhaps we can reduce the differences? It helps to be able to merge changes from elsewhere.

In D3146#62739, @pfg wrote:

Thank you.

FWIW, NetBSD added the same option 15 months ago:

Perhaps we can reduce the differences? It helps to be able to merge changes from elsewhere.

Hah, and we even spelled it mostly the same. Sure, I can try and make the diff smaller.

I think -Vnone is broken in NetBSD. In particular, they override none in main() after parsing the switch:

	/* parse switches */
	Argc = argc;
	Argv = argv;

	if (backup_type == none) {
		if ((v = getenv("PATCH_VERSION_CONTROL")) == NULL)
			v = getenv("VERSION_CONTROL");
		if (v != NULL || !posix)
			backup_type = get_version(v);	/* OK to pass NULL. */

And they are missing -Vnone in usage().

cem edited edge metadata.

Reorder backup_args / backup_types to diff-reduce vs NetBSD

pfg edited edge metadata.
In D3146#62741, @cem wrote:

I think -Vnone is broken in NetBSD. In particular, they override none in main() after parsing the switch:

Heh .. now I recall I was going to merge their change but something looked broken :-P.
It's alright though, I just wanted to see some diff reduction. Our patch(1) is already a fork on it's own but it also has changes from all the other BSDs.

This revision is now accepted and ready to land.Jul 21 2015, 10:46 PM
markj edited edge metadata.
This revision was automatically updated to reflect the committed changes.
In D3146#62748, @pfg wrote:

Heh .. now I recall I was going to merge their change but something looked broken :-P.
It's alright though, I just wanted to see some diff reduction. Our patch(1) is already a fork on it's own but it also has changes from all the other BSDs.

Sure, no problem. Thanks for the quick review!