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emulators/i386-wine-devel: Update to 6.5 & take maintainership

Authored by on Apr 25 2021, 8:59 PM.
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Thu, Feb 27, 3:02 PM
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Fri, Feb 14, 7:51 PM
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Fri, Feb 14, 7:46 PM
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Fri, Feb 14, 7:24 PM
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Fri, Feb 14, 7:14 PM
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Jan 26 2025, 7:07 AM




Hint: This version requires now /proc to be mounted. I have added this hint to the pkg-message.

Related to : PR 255403

Test Plan

Executed a game that requires GL drivers and some other simple stuff.

Diff Detail

R11 FreeBSD ports repository
Lint Not Applicable
Tests Not Applicable

Event Timeline

Take maintainership, lets see how long this goes :D retitled this revision from emulators/i386-wine-devel: Update to 5.22 to emulators/i386-wine-devel: Update to 5.22 & take maintainership.May 2 2021, 9:06 PM

Thanks for offering to take maintainership and supporting our Wine ports

For this and future reviews, make sure to add existing MAINTAINER and/or relevent other people such that we get the appropriate eyes on the proposed changes. I'll add @gerald to this

@gerald mentioned a desire to find new maintainers for wine ports, so this is timely, thank you :)

gerald added a reviewer:

This looks directional fine in terms of a version upgrade, thank you Alexander.

Note that Alex S, copied now, has argued for a while this port should go in favor of a much simpler solution. Alex, maybe you can share here?

(Also note I won't be able to fully test and commit, so another committer is necessary.)

Note that Alex S, copied now, has argued for a while this port should go in favor of a much simpler solution. Alex, maybe you can share here?

Copied from email:

On Mon, Feb 15, 2021 at 7:38 PM Gerald Pfeifer <> wrote:

On Thu, 11 Feb 2021, Alex S wrote:

LD_BIND_NOW=1 is definitely required, so something must be done there.
Do you have any objections to putting it into a wrapper script?

I'm flexible. Whatever works for our users (and isn't a maintenance

To be honest, wine-devel has been blatantly broken for 2 months due to
this issue and I've yet to see any complaints about that. Makes me
wonder what would happen if you just push a similarly broken update to
emulators/wine. Might be worth it just for that.

There is also the matter of outdated i386-wine packages, people using
those effectively can't and won't provide any feedback. Neither to us
nor to the upstream. We really need to find a way to get rid of
i386-wine(-devel) just for that reason alone.

To add insult to the injury, it's quite easy to download and use
i386 wine packages on amd64. Something like this:

  pkg \
    --option ABI=FreeBSD:12:i386 \
    --option INSTALL_AS_USER=true \
    --option RUN_SCRIPTS=false \
    --rootdir ~/.i386-wine-pkg \
    install wine

  env \
    PATH="$HOME/.i386-wine-pkg/usr/local/bin:$PATH" \
/usr/local/lib32:$HOME/.i386-wine-pkg/usr/local/lib" \
$HOME/.i386-wine-pkg/usr/local/lib/dri" \
    env winecfg

(Scary? This is actually adopted from files/binbounce in i386-wine.)

I'm not sure how to sell this idea to actual users, though. This looks
like a downgrade on the surface (vs pkg install i386-wine). i386-wine
is also referenced in a lot of places — forum posts, YouTube videos
and whatnot. It's even in the Handbook now.


On Tue, Feb 16, 2021 at 11:40 PM Gerald Pfeifer <> wrote:

On Mon, 15 Feb 2021, Alex S wrote:

I'm not sure how to sell this idea to actual users, though. This looks
like a downgrade on the surface (vs pkg install i386-wine). i386-wine
is also referenced in a lot of places — forum posts, YouTube videos
and whatnot. It's even in the Handbook now.

Well, could i386-wine be re-implemented using that?

No, there is no way around that pkg incantation. The best we can do is
put those commands into wine(-devel) and maybe advertise them a bit in
pkg-message. That would look roughly like this (+wow64, +LD_BIND_NOW

I'm not particularly fond of this hack, it's just that while we are
stuck without proper multilib it's not possible to meaningfully
improve upon it.

Disclaimer: I do not have a dog in this race, and would be okay dropping
i386-wine. I just do not feel in a position to drive/do this. Maybe once
regular wine-devel and wine have been addressed?

It's somewhat useful (?) to people willing to set up i386 Poudriere
builds, so maybe we should remove Makefile.amd64 once pre-built
packages degrade enough.

That said, my previous attempt to advertise an out-of-package wrapper script for wine/wine-devel was a total failure from a discoverability/ergonomics point of view, so I intend to test this approach a bit with (Once somebody manages to commit it, that is.) retitled this revision from emulators/i386-wine-devel: Update to 5.22 & take maintainership to emulators/i386-wine-devel: Update to 6.5 & take maintainership. edited the summary of this revision. (Show Details)

Update to 6.5 including the workaround for

This revision was not accepted when it landed; it landed in state Needs Review.May 15 2021, 9:28 AM
This revision was automatically updated to reflect the committed changes.