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Upgrade chinese/fcitx-rime to use RimeData-based schemas.

Authored by khng on Dec 16 2020, 11:17 AM.
Referenced Files
F112323071: D27630.id80813.diff
Sun, Mar 16, 2:12 AM
Unknown Object (File)
Thu, Mar 13, 5:36 PM
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Tue, Mar 4, 9:27 PM
Unknown Object (File)
Fri, Feb 28, 8:12 AM
Unknown Object (File)
Tue, Feb 25, 7:09 AM
Unknown Object (File)
Feb 10 2025, 9:10 PM
Unknown Object (File)
Feb 8 2025, 9:21 AM
Unknown Object (File)
Jan 28 2025, 1:37 AM



brise has been deprecated since 2019.
This revision replaces the usage of chinese/brise in fcitx-rime withRimeData-based schemas.

RimeData-based schemas live in ${LOCALBASE}/share/rime-data.

Diff Detail

rP FreeBSD ports repository
Lint Not Applicable
Tests Not Applicable

Event Timeline

khng requested review of this revision.Dec 16 2020, 11:17 AM
  • Deprecate chinese/brise in favor of chinese/rime-data

Updating D27630: Upgrade fcitx-rime to use rime-data.

Add chinese/rime-cantonese.

I can add chinese/rime-cantonese and chinese/rime-data soon, but please file a ticket in bugzilla to ask approval from the maintainer of chinese/fcitx-rime regarding the changes to it. BTW, we need to bump its PORTREVISION.

In short, let's do this in two steps, adding the dependency first, then modify chinese/fcitx-rime to use them.

Oh, and we probably want to mark chinese/brise as DEPRECATED first, but if there is no ports depend on it, of course we can do it faster. I suggest making this as the third step.

khng retitled this revision from Upgrade fcitx-rime to use rime-data. Add chinese/rime-cantonese. to Upgrade fcitx-rime to use rime-data.Add chinese/rime-cantonese..Dec 16 2020, 11:30 AM
khng added a reviewer:
6 ↗(On Diff #80751)

PORTREVISION bump needed.

3 ↗(On Diff #80751)

It seems we retrieve data from multiple rime repositories, why do we use rime-bopomofo here?

BTW, does it make more sense to create fine-grained ports like data-bopomofo and so on?

Oh, and we probably want to mark chinese/brise as DEPRECATED first, but if there is no ports depend on it, of course we can do it faster. I suggest making this as the third step.

And since there is a maintainer, we also want to inform them, or wait a little longer after the maintainer timeout. Yes, this needs a ticket in bugzilla.

  • Bump chinese/fcitx-rime PORTREVISION
  • Fix chinese/rime-data pkg-descr
3 ↗(On Diff #80751)

My original attempt was to create a fine-grained ports such as rime-bopomofo. However the attempt doesn't work well so far as including all these fine-grained data files in a rime-data metaport seems to confuse the infrastructure on dependency resolving. Generally to make sure the user experience isn't affected a basic set of schemas has to be included.

  • Revert "Deprecate chinese/brise in favor of chinese/rime-data"
diizzy added inline comments.
5 ↗(On Diff #80765)

Should be distversion --> Table 5.2. Package Naming Examples

8 ↗(On Diff #80765)

Redirects to https

19 ↗(On Diff #80765)

Looks like a copy paste issue, should be

BUILD_DEPENDS=	bash:shells/bash \
  • Fix chinese/fcitx-rime MASTER_SITES
  • Address diizzy's comments on chinese/fcitx-rime

More ports are split from chinese/rime-data

  • New port: chinese/rime-prelude
  • New port: chinese/rime-essay
  • New port: chinese/rime-cantonese
  • New port: chinese/rime-terra-pinyin
  • New port: chinese/rime-luna-pinyin
  • New port: chinese/rime-bopomofo
  • New port: chinese/rime-cangjie
  • New port: chinese/rime-stroke
  • New port: chinese/rime-data
  • Update fcitx-rime to use RimeData instead of brise
  • chinese/fcitx-rime depends on chinese/rime-data
  • chinese/fcitx-rime: Address diizzy's comments on Makefile
khng marked 3 inline comments as done.Dec 16 2020, 6:42 PM

Rebased to D27652:

  • Update fcitx-rime to use RimeData instead of brise
  • chinese/fcitx-rime depends on chinese/rime-data
  • chinese/fcitx-rime: Address diizzy's comments on Makefile
khng retitled this revision from Upgrade fcitx-rime to use rime-data.Add chinese/rime-cantonese. to Upgrade chinese/fcitx-rime to use chinese/rime-data..Dec 17 2020, 9:29 AM
khng edited the summary of this revision. (Show Details)

LGTM, wait for maintainer.

This revision is now accepted and ready to land.Dec 17 2020, 9:31 AM
This revision now requires review to proceed.Dec 17 2020, 10:17 AM


  • chinese/rime-*: Use CP instead of RLN for data files from localbase
  • Update chinese/fcitx-rime to use RimeData instead


  • Update fcitx-rime to use RimeData instead of brise
  • chinese/fcitx-rime depends on chinese/rime-data
  • chinese/fcitx-rime: Address diizzy's comments on Makefile
  • chinese/fcitx-rime: Depends on individual essential schema ports
khng retitled this revision from Upgrade chinese/fcitx-rime to use chinese/rime-data. to Upgrade chinese/fcitx-rime to use %%LOCALBASE%%/share/rime-data schemas..Dec 23 2020, 5:02 PM
khng edited the summary of this revision. (Show Details)
khng retitled this revision from Upgrade chinese/fcitx-rime to use %%LOCALBASE%%/share/rime-data schemas. to Upgrade chinese/fcitx-rime to use RimeData-based schemas..Dec 23 2020, 5:20 PM
khng edited the summary of this revision. (Show Details)
ygy added a subscriber: ygy.


Since the maintainer has been reset and diff updated, we can get this committed soon. ;)

This revision is now accepted and ready to land.Dec 28 2020, 10:42 AM