For now I also removed pci_emul_alloc_pbar(), but it will be re-instantiated later with different set of args.
Suggested by: grehan
| Differential D27186 Authored by kib on Nov 12 2020, 1:04 AM.
Summary For now I also removed pci_emul_alloc_pbar(), but it will be re-instantiated later with different set of args. Suggested by: grehan
Diff Detail
Event TimelineHerald added a reviewer: bhyve. · View Herald TranscriptNov 12 2020, 1:04 AM2020-11-12 01:04:02 (UTC+0) Harbormaster completed remote builds in B34752: Diff 79451.Nov 12 2020, 1:04 AM2020-11-12 01:04:09 (UTC+0) This revision is now accepted and ready to land.Nov 12 2020, 2:32 AM2020-11-12 02:32:40 (UTC+0) Closed by commit rS367613: bhyve: remove a hack to map all 8G BARs 1:1 (authored by kib). · Explain WhyNov 12 2020, 2:52 AM2020-11-12 02:52:25 (UTC+0) This revision was automatically updated to reflect the committed changes.
Revision Contents
Diff 79452 head/usr.sbin/bhyve/pci_emul.h