There is nothing special about the software itself; it's just a way to share your screen over the network.
The point of this differential revision is to ask you for a review of handling NPM/Yarn distfiles/dependencies.
Differential D27090
New port: www/screego: Screen sharing server based on WebRTC 0mp on Nov 4 2020, 5:03 PM. Authored by Tags None Referenced Files
There is nothing special about the software itself; it's just a way to share your screen over the network. The point of this differential revision is to ask you for a review of handling NPM/Yarn distfiles/dependencies.
Diff Detail
Event TimelineComment Actions Don't take this the wrong way, but this looks like something that tries really hard not to get packaged, and therefore maybe shouldn't. Comment Actions Well, so upstream releases binaries for FreeBSD, so a part could use that. I just wanted to see if we can actually work with yarn dependencies as we work with Go or Rust. It seems like it's possible and not too ugly (apart from the very long list of DISTFILES which almost hits the limit of our do-fetch implementation. Would you be against me committing the current revision? I don't want to set a bad precedence... Comment Actions IMHO, this seems still aligning with the practices in the ports, and I don't think it should be blocked to go into the tree. Enable users to use good 3rd party is important. For the long run, I feel we need something better in ports infra or tooling to maintaining these go/rust/yarn ports. Comment Actions Just a note you might find interesting: portedit from the ports-mgmt/portfmt is already helping a lot. |