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lualoader: Add config.lua(8) to the tree

Authored by kevans on Mar 24 2018, 4:29 AM.
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Fri, Aug 30, 2:21 AM
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Fri, Aug 30, 2:21 AM
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Fri, Aug 30, 2:20 AM
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Fri, Aug 30, 2:07 AM
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Aug 18 2024, 8:09 PM


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rS FreeBSD src repository - subversion
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Buildable 17115

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Just a note: Anywhere I wrote {kernel} is because I couldn't come up with a better markup. I have no idea what the ideal syntax is for "this is a path with this variable substituted in" rather than "this is a path with this variable name literally in it"

rpokala requested changes to this revision.Jun 8 2018, 3:48 AM
rpokala added inline comments.

Per discussions over the last few months, remove "All rights reserved."


I think config.loadKernel needs a re-write. As it stands, if says that if you don't specify the new kernel to load, it will attempt to load a module named kernel, and that it will try {kernel} (with no /boot/ prefix) twice.


"restore the environment" to what?

This revision now requires changes to proceed.Jun 8 2018, 3:48 AM

Just a note: Anywhere I wrote {kernel} is because I couldn't come up with a better markup. I have no idea what the ideal syntax is for "this is a path with this variable substituted in" rather than "this is a path with this variable name literally in it"

Perhaps ${kernel}, a la Bourne?

I rewrote some things around all of your comments, but it's early. =) The config.loadKernel was mostly-ish correct, but I rewrote the {kernel} instances to {other_kernel} and rewrote other parts for clarity. I also added some paragraph breaks for additional clarity (hopefully).

0mp added a subscriber: 0mp.

I've reviewed the mdoc side of this change. Looks fine!

BTW, should we add some cross-references from other manpages to config.lua(8)?

In D14819#351249, @0mp wrote:

I've reviewed the mdoc side of this change. Looks fine!

BTW, should we add some cross-references from other manpages to config.lua(8)?

Thanks! I'll add all appropriate cross-references once I've got the complete set of manpages up.

This revision was not accepted when it landed; it landed in state Needs Review.Aug 19 2018, 3:07 PM
This revision was automatically updated to reflect the committed changes.