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ram (Ram)


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User Since
Jun 30 2017, 5:12 AM (403 w, 5 d)

Recent Activity

Dec 19 2023

ram accepted D43097: ocs: Check for copyin errors in the ioctl handler.

Changes look good.

Dec 19 2023, 9:07 AM

Mar 4 2022

ram added inline comments to D34425: ocs_fc: Support persistent topology feature.
Mar 4 2022, 4:26 AM

Mar 3 2022

ram requested review of D34425: ocs_fc: Support persistent topology feature.
Mar 3 2022, 4:15 PM
ram added a comment to D34423: ocs_fc: Do not respond to unsolicited NOP BLS command..
In D34423#779963, @mav wrote:

It makes some sense to me. I suppose other cases could be NOP and BA_ACC/BA_REJ, which do not require action if unsolicited. I just guess incoming BA_* for outgoing ABTS are handled somewhere else, if they reach the driver at all.

Mar 3 2022, 4:06 PM
ram added a comment to D34422: ocs_fc: Ignore flogi failure when the discovery is already done..
In D34422#779953, @mav wrote:

I don't think I can properly review this change without diving in deeply. It just looks weird to me first print "shutting down sport" but then "p2p winner, domain already attached\n" and post OCS_EVT_DOMAIN_ATTACH_OK.

Mar 3 2022, 3:38 PM
ram requested review of D34423: ocs_fc: Do not respond to unsolicited NOP BLS command..
Mar 3 2022, 12:57 PM
ram requested review of D34422: ocs_fc: Ignore flogi failure when the discovery is already done..
Mar 3 2022, 12:06 PM

Jan 5 2022

ram requested review of D33752: ocs_fc: Remove giant lock usage in sysctl..
Jan 5 2022, 3:27 PM

Dec 27 2021

pi renamed ram from to ram.
Dec 27 2021, 10:33 AM
ram requested review of D33668: ocs_fc: Add lancer G7 to the supported hardware in the man page..
Dec 27 2021, 10:01 AM

Dec 18 2019

ram accepted D22859: oce: Tighten input validation for SIOCGI2C..

The changes look good.

Dec 18 2019, 7:27 AM

Jan 23 2019

ram accepted D18914: ocs_fc: Ensure that we only copy out initialized memory..
Jan 23 2019, 5:10 PM

Jul 17 2018

ram added a comment to D16196: OCS_FC: Wait for a specific period of time prior to telling the OS about lost device..
In D16196#345939, @mav wrote:

The general motivation is good for me. Very alike approach is used in isp(4) driver, may be just for some additional reasons. But unless I missed something, I think this patch of yours is incomplete -- it implements the translation table for initiator role, but not for target. If the HBA is capable of playing both roles same time, there will be a mess in CAM and CTL. isp(4) driver originally also had the same issue, but I fixed it there few years ago, and now target and initiator roles may successfully coexist.

Jul 17 2018, 5:19 PM

Jul 11 2018

ram updated the diff for D16196: OCS_FC: Wait for a specific period of time prior to telling the OS about lost device..

Fixed as per the review comments.

Jul 11 2018, 11:15 AM

Jul 9 2018

ram created D16196: OCS_FC: Wait for a specific period of time prior to telling the OS about lost device..
Jul 9 2018, 12:27 PM

Jun 11 2018

ram accepted D15747: Fix build of ocs_fs with base gcc on i386.

Thanks Ken. Changes look good.

Jun 11 2018, 5:37 AM

Mar 28 2018

ram updated the diff for D11423: Fiber channel driver for Broadcom/Emulex FC host bus adapters..
  1. Fixed 32-bit print format warnings.
  2. Enabled building ocs_fc module for amd64 and i386.
  3. get_cyclecount() to get the TSC value.
Mar 28 2018, 6:06 AM

Mar 20 2018

ram updated the diff for D11423: Fiber channel driver for Broadcom/Emulex FC host bus adapters..

Added ocs_fc module to sys/modules/Makefile.
Removed unintended files under ocs_fc.

Mar 20 2018, 8:36 AM

Mar 19 2018

ram updated the diff for D11423: Fiber channel driver for Broadcom/Emulex FC host bus adapters..

Increased max remote nodes/targets supported based on firmware resources.

Mar 19 2018, 10:43 AM

Jan 31 2018

ram updated the diff for D11423: Fiber channel driver for Broadcom/Emulex FC host bus adapters..

Fixed issue in ABTS handling where lun number is not passed correctly.

Jan 31 2018, 10:54 AM

Jan 19 2018

ram updated the diff for D11423: Fiber channel driver for Broadcom/Emulex FC host bus adapters..

Added NPIV support to ocs_fc driver.

Jan 19 2018, 10:43 AM

Dec 12 2017

ram updated the diff for D11423: Fiber channel driver for Broadcom/Emulex FC host bus adapters..

Fixed issue in reporting the transfer speed.

Dec 12 2017, 4:05 PM
ram added a comment to D11423: Fiber channel driver for Broadcom/Emulex FC host bus adapters..

Hi Ken,

Dec 12 2017, 7:13 AM

Nov 18 2017

ram added a comment to D11423: Fiber channel driver for Broadcom/Emulex FC host bus adapters..
In D11423#273617, wrote:

Updated makefile as per the review commnets.

Nov 18 2017, 2:28 PM
ram updated the diff for D11423: Fiber channel driver for Broadcom/Emulex FC host bus adapters..

Updated makefile as per the review commnets.

Nov 18 2017, 2:12 PM

Nov 13 2017

ram updated the diff for D11423: Fiber channel driver for Broadcom/Emulex FC host bus adapters..

Updated man page.

Nov 13 2017, 9:03 AM
ram updated the diff for D11423: Fiber channel driver for Broadcom/Emulex FC host bus adapters..

Added man page for ocs_fc driver.

Nov 13 2017, 8:55 AM

Nov 9 2017

ram updated the diff for D11423: Fiber channel driver for Broadcom/Emulex FC host bus adapters..
  1. Changed auto topology detection to try FC-AL first and failover to Nport topology.
  2. Fixed issue of not sending REC for no data commands, by setting the Error Recovery bit in command wrb.
Nov 9 2017, 1:25 PM
ram added a comment to D11423: Fiber channel driver for Broadcom/Emulex FC host bus adapters..

Thanks Ken. Sorry missed the auto-topology fix in this drop. I will update the code.
I will try to trigger the REC with the commands you provided, will update you the status.

Nov 9 2017, 6:25 AM

Oct 25 2017

ram updated the diff for D11423: Fiber channel driver for Broadcom/Emulex FC host bus adapters..
  1. Added support for live driver role change via CTL.
  2. Removed some info prints.
  3. Did some bug fixes.
Oct 25 2017, 12:29 PM

Jul 29 2017

ram added a comment to D11423: Fiber channel driver for Broadcom/Emulex FC host bus adapters..
In D11423#244184, @mav wrote:
In D11423#244162, wrote:
In D11423#243919, @mav wrote:

As of now, we are not supporting live role change.

It should better be supported. I've tried to enable target mode, but found expected problems: If target mode enabled via device hints, it won't be able to reply to initiators until target mode is enabled in CTL, leading to command timeouts on initiators. Enabling target in CTL after makes it work, but it seems CTL doesn't receive or drops AC_CONTRACT notifications, as result of what ctladm portlist -i does not report connected initiators until they disconnect and reconnect.

I think if we support the live role change also this issue will happen. As enabling target mode in CTL should be done in any case. So, I think we need to debug why CTL doesn't receive or drops AC_CONTRACT notifications.
Please correct me if I am missing any thing.

I'm sorry, it seems I was wrong about AC_CONTRACT, it does work.

But I still see a problem in fact that target mode is not controller by CTL: when system boots and driver applies target mode tunable, there is no LUNs configured/enabled till ctld start. It makes initiators to see the target which does not respond on requests. I am not sure it is a nice behavior. in case of isp(4) driver FC link remains down until ctld enable the target role when all LUNs are ready. Could you describe how your approach supposed to work in case I miss something?

Jul 29 2017, 3:17 PM
ram added a comment to D11423: Fiber channel driver for Broadcom/Emulex FC host bus adapters..
In D11423#240180, @mav wrote:
In D11423#240081, wrote:

Sorry missed that, Is this what you intended here: I am still not updating the target id as I am not saving that value now, will add that code.

  • ocs_cam.c (revision 40610)

+++ ocs_cam.c (working copy)
@@ -586,6 +586,7 @@

if ((lun < OCS_MAX_LUN) && ocs->targ_rsrc[lun].enabled) {
        trsrc = &ocs->targ_rsrc[lun];
} else if (ocs->targ_rsrc_wildcard.enabled) {


        trsrc = &ocs->targ_rsrc_wildcard;

@@ -601,6 +602,9 @@

tmfio-> = abortio;

STAILQ_REMOVE_HEAD(&trsrc->inot, sim_links.stqe);

+ inot->ccb_h.status = CAM_CDB_RECVD;
+ inot->ccb_h.target_lun = lun;

inot->tag_id = tmfio->tag;

Only one last line would probably be enough. Previous one seems not from here.

Jul 29 2017, 5:36 AM

Jul 14 2017

ram added a comment to D11423: Fiber channel driver for Broadcom/Emulex FC host bus adapters..
In D11423#240075, @mav wrote:
In D11423#240042, wrote:
  1. Fixed sending correct target id when request handled by wildcard.

This is not what I was thinking about. When request is handled by wildcard LUN, CAM and CTL should receive real target and LUN IDs. As I understand, your new code still does not set target_lun value, leaving it wildcard.

By the way, looking wider, I've noticed that your code in ocs_fc_decode_lun() decodes 8-byte LUN into flat space. But there is no reason to do it now. Recent FreeBSD versions support full 8-byte LUNs if PIM_EXTLUNS flag is set. While CTL still does not make use of that, I was thinking about making it support LUN conglomerates at some point.

Jul 14 2017, 12:21 PM
ram added inline comments to D11423: Fiber channel driver for Broadcom/Emulex FC host bus adapters..
Jul 14 2017, 8:43 AM
ram added a comment to D11423: Fiber channel driver for Broadcom/Emulex FC host bus adapters..
In D11423#237113, @ken wrote:

I already sent Ram email about this, from from a purely functional standpoint:

I have been able to get a tape drive / library to probe and run in point to point mode when the library / drive are directly attached to the card. (I have not tried going through a switch.) This is with a Spectra Logic T120 exported via an IBM LTO-5 drive.

I have found several issues with the latest code:

  1. The tape library doesn’t probe in fabric mode when it is direct attached to the card. The driver defaults to fabric mode from what I can tell. Instead, the driver just bounces the link up and down (apparently), but from the traces, there are just 16Gb training sequences going over the wire from the initiator. The tape drive is 8Gb, so nothing really happens. I sent Ram two traces, one from a case where the initiator is just doing a training sequence, and the other from where the tape drive tries to do a FLOGI and then nothing happens after that. In both cases the driver is reporting that the link is going up and down.
  1. Attempting to probe in loop mode (hint.ocs_fc.0.topology=3) when direct attached to the library yields a panic:

ocs_fc0: <Emulex LightPulse FC Adapter> mem 0xde418000-0xde41ffff,0xde420000-0xde420fff irq 32 at device 0.0 on pci2
OCS FC Driver (0.0.9999.0) Copyright (C) 2017 Broadcom. The term ?Broadcom? refers to Broadcom Limited and/or its subsidiaries.
ocs_fc0: Setting topology=0x3
ocs_fc: sli_get_config:3890:ocs_fc0:FW1: (2e313536) / FW2: (2e313536)
ocs_fc: sli_get_config:3893:ocs_fc0:HW1: 0000000b / HW2: 00000010
ocs_fc: ocs_xport_initialize:455:ocs_fc0:Emulex LightPulse FC Adapter: Can't set the toplogy
ocs_fc0: ocs_pci_attach: failed to initialize transport object
panic: XXX trying to free with un-initialized mtx!?!?

cpuid = 5
time = 1499104391
KDB: stack backtrace:
db_trace_self_wrapper() at 0xffffffff803756bb = db_trace_self_wrapper+0x2b/frame 0xfffffe08b3f58350
vpanic() at 0xffffffff8095569c = vpanic+0x19c/frame 0xfffffe08b3f583d0
panic() at 0xffffffff80955723 = panic+0x43/frame 0xfffffe08b3f58430
ocs_xport_free() at 0xffffffff827b4aa2 = ocs_xport_free+0xa2/frame 0xfffffe08b3f58460
ocs_pci_attach() at 0xffffffff8277f3bc = ocs_pci_attach+0x125c/frame 0xfffffe08b3f584d0
device_attach() at 0xffffffff80989a2e = device_attach+0x3de/frame 0xfffffe08b3f58510
pci_driver_added() at 0xffffffff8065fea9 = pci_driver_added+0xe9/frame 0xfffffe08b3f58550
devclass_driver_added() at 0xffffffff809878ed = devclass_driver_added+0x7d/frame 0xfffffe08b3f58590
devclass_add_driver() at 0xffffffff80987814 = devclass_add_driver+0x144/frame 0xfffffe08b3f585d0
module_register_init() at 0xffffffff8093a2c0 = module_register_init+0xc0/frame 0xfffffe08b3f58600
linker_load_module() at 0xffffffff8092d788 = linker_load_module+0xba8/frame 0xfffffe08b3f58910
kern_kldload() at 0xffffffff8092edc9 = kern_kldload+0xa9/frame 0xfffffe08b3f58950
sys_kldload() at 0xffffffff8092ee8b = sys_kldload+0x5b/frame 0xfffffe08b3f58980
amd64_syscall() at 0xffffffff80db1f69 = amd64_syscall+0x549/frame 0xfffffe08b3f58ab0
Xfast_syscall() at 0xffffffff80d92ecb = Xfast_syscall+0xfb/frame 0xfffffe08b3f58ab0

  • syscall (304, FreeBSD ELF64, sys_kldload), rip = 0x800871a9a, rsp = 0x7fffffffde98, rbp = 0x7fffffffe410 ---

KDB: enter: panic
[ thread pid 9224 tid 102778 ]
Stopped at 0xffffffff80996fcb = kdb_enter+0x3b: movq $0,0xffffffff81887780 = kdb_why

  1. Probing the tape library in point to point mode (hint.ocs_fc.0.topology=2) does work. I can talk to the drive just fine. The FC-Tape flags are turned on in the PRLI. Confirmed Completion is requested by the initiator, so the tape drive is sending completion confirmations. However, the CRN is not getting set; it is 0. That is another component of FC-tape, and needed to make sure commands don’t get out of order. Do you have SRR support? Will the driver send a REC if the tape drive takes too long to respond to a command?

I have confirmed that with the isp(4) driver, unloading the driver when you’ve created CTL LUNs with the driver loaded hangs. So the ocs_fc driver is no different in that regard. It's something that we need to fix with CTL in general.

Is there a way to get the board to start off in point to point mode and fall back to loop?

Starting off in fabric mode with no apparent fallback will likely yield some confused users who don’t know why their tape library isn’t attaching.

I haven’t gotten traces of target mode talking to the isp(4) driver yet.

Hopefully this gives something to go on for now. In summary:

  1. We need to make sure that tape drives probe out of the box, whether direct or fabric attached.
  2. Loop mode shouldn't cause a panic.
  3. The CRN needs to be set properly, and SRR and REC should also be properly supported.
Jul 14 2017, 8:33 AM
ram updated the diff for D11423: Fiber channel driver for Broadcom/Emulex FC host bus adapters..

Fixed following issues as per the review comments:

Jul 14 2017, 8:26 AM

Jul 4 2017

ram added a comment to D11423: Fiber channel driver for Broadcom/Emulex FC host bus adapters..
In D11423#237221, @mav wrote:

I am happy to see FreeBSD getting one more FC driver. Thank you!

Without being able to try this code (the only Emulex cards I have now are ancient 9000-series which seems not supported here) I've added some comments based on very quick look. If you have some spare card samples for developers, I would happily get one to be able to test/improve CAM/CTL compatibility with it in my further work.

Jul 4 2017, 6:20 AM

Jun 30 2017

ram created D11423: Fiber channel driver for Broadcom/Emulex FC host bus adapters..
Jun 30 2017, 1:11 PM